Institutional repository of the Düsseldorf University of Applied Sciences

With HSDopus, researchers, lecturers and students at Düsseldorf University of Applied Sciences can publish scientific documents, such as reports, essays or theses electronically and free of charge. All documents are archived permanently and can be researched worldwide via library catalogues as well as search engines on the Internet.

University Bibliography
HSDopus also acts as the university bibliography of the Düsseldorf University of Applied Sciences. It enables a compilation of literature lists (by person, department, project etc.), provided all of these publications have been reported to HSDopus. The literature lists can be exported (RIS, BibTeX, XML) and embedded on your personal HSD-homepage.

1248 Publications
with file attachment

1116 Open-Access-Publications
freely accessible documents

2074 Proof of Publication
bibliographic data, partially linked to full texts such as PDFs

Publish or Report Title
To submit new publications, please click on "Publish". If you only want to report titles (i.e. without full text), you can also do this by "Publish". Another option is to send us your "title reports" (e.g. as RIS or Bibtex file) via email.
For research and browsing through HSDopus, please use the menu items "Search" or "Browse".

We display the ORCID iD icon alongside your name on the publications in HSDopus. Learn more at

168 Institutional Publications
(master theses, bachelor theses, diploma theses, seminar work)

Overview of all Administrative Writings of the HSD

18 Publication Lists

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