Year of publication
Document Type
- ZIB-Report (103)
- Article (74)
- In Proceedings (30)
- Book chapter (13)
- ZIB-Annual (4)
- Other (4)
- Book (3)
- In Collection (3)
- Doctoral Thesis (2)
- Report (2)
- Mixed Integer Programming (10)
- Integer Programming (6)
- IP (5)
- branch-and-cut (5)
- linear programming (5)
- mixed integer programming (5)
- Open Access (4)
- UMTS (4)
- branch-and-bound (4)
- mixed-integer programming (4)
- Mathematical Optimization (120)
- Applied Algorithmic Intelligence Methods (70)
- Mathematical Optimization Methods (45)
- ZIB Allgemein (22)
- Mathematical Algorithmic Intelligence (18)
- Digital Data and Information for Society, Science, and Culture (10)
- Energy Network Optimization (7)
- AI in Society, Science, and Technology (6)
- KOBV (4)
Ende Juni diesen Jahres wurde das Gigabit-Wissenschaftsnetz offiziell gestartet. In der zweijährigen Vorbereitungsphase wurden nicht nur die technischen Möglichkeiten der neuen Übertragungstechniken und Dienste getestet. Es wurden auch verschiedene Fragestellungen zum effizienten Einsatz der verfügbaren Ressourcen für den Betrieb des G-WiN untersucht. In diesem Artikel beschreiben wir, wie das G-WiN zu seiner jetzigen Struktur und Topologie gekommen ist.
In this article we study the problem of designing a nation-wide communication network. Such networks usually consist of an access layer, a backbone layer, and maybe several intermediate layers. The nodes of each layer must be connected to those of the next layer in a tree-like fashion. The backbone layer has to satisfy certain survivability and routing constraints. Given the node locations, the demands between them, the possible connections and hardware configurations, and various other technical and administrational constraints, the goal is to decide, which node is assigned to which network level, how the nodes are connected, what hardware must be installed, and how traffic is routed in the backbone. Mixed integer linear programming models and solution methods are presented for both the access and the backbone network design problem. The focus is on the design of IP-over-SDH networks, but the access network design model and large parts of the backbone network design models are general and also applicable for other types of communication networks. Results obtained with these methods in the planning of the German research network are presented.
A model for the optimisation of the location and configuration of base stations in a UMTS network is described. The focus is primarily on modelling the configuration problem sufficiently accurate using mixed-integer variables and (essentially) linear constraints. These constraints reflect the limited downlink code capacity in each cell, the interference limitations for successful up- and downlink transmissions, the need for sufficiently strong (cell) pilot signals, and the potential gain for mobiles from being in soft(er) hand-over. It is also explained how to use the model as a basis for rating network configurations.
Mixed integer programs ($MIPs$) are commonly solved with branch and bound algorithms based on linear programming. The success and the speed of the algorithm strongly depends on the strategy used to select the branching variables. Today's state-of-the-art strategy is called \emph{pseudocost branching} and uses information of previous branchings to determine the current branching. We propose a modification of \emph{pseudocost branching} which we call \emph{history branching}. This strategy has been implemented in $SIP$, a state-of-the-art $MIP$ solver. We give computational results that show the superiority of the new strategy.
ZIMPL User Guide
The thesis deals with the implementation and application of out-of-the-box tools in linear and mixed integer programming. It documents the lessons learned and conclusions drawn from five years of implementing, maintaining, extending, and using several computer codes to solve real-life industrial problems. By means of several examples it is demonstrated how to apply algebraic modeling languages to rapidly devise mathematical models of real-world problems. It is shown that today's MIP solvers are capable of solving the resulting mixed integer programs, leading to an approach that delivers results very quickly. Even though, problems are tackled that not long ago required the implementation of specialized branch-and-cut algorithms. In the first part of the thesis the modeling language Zimpl is introduced. Chapter 2 contains a complete description of the language. In the subsequent chapter details of the implementation are described. Both theoretical and practical considerations are discussed. Aspects of software engineering, error prevention, and detection are addressed. In the second part several real-world projects are examined that employed the methodology and the tools developed in the first part. Chapter 4 presents three projects from the telecommunication industry dealing with facility location problems. Chapter 5 characterizes questions that arise in UMTS planning. Problems, models, and solutions are discussed. Special emphasis is put on the dependency of the precision of the input data and the results. Possible reasons for unexpected and undesirable solutions are explained. Finally, the Steiner tree packing problem in graphs, a well-known hard combinatorial problem, is revisited. A formerly known, but not yet used model is applied to combine switchbox wire routing and via minimization. All instances known from the literature are solved by this approach, as are some newly generated bigger problem instances.
This paper describes several experiments to explore the options for solving a class of mixed integer nonlinear programming problems that stem from a real-world mine production planning project. The only type of nonlinear constraints in these problems are bilinear equalities involving continuous variables, which enforce the ratios between elements in mixed material streams. A branch-and-bound algorithm to handle the integer variables has been tried in another project. However, this branch-and-bound algorithm is not effective for handling the nonlinear constraints. Therefore state-of-the-art nonlinear solvers are utilized to solve the resulting nonlinear subproblems in this work. The experiments were carried out using the NEOS server for optimization. After finding that current nonlinear programming solvers seem to lack suitable preprocessing capabilities, we preprocess the instances beforehand and use an heuristic approach to solve the nonlinear subproblems. In the appendix, we explain how to add a polynomial constraint handler that uses IPOPT as embedded nonlinear programming solver for the constraint programming framework SCIP. This is one of the crucial steps for implementing our algorithm in SCIP. We briefly described our approach and give an idea of the work involved.
In this article, strategical infrastructure planning problems in the design of large-scale telecommunication networks are discussed based on experiences from three projects with industrial partners: The access network planning of the German Gigabit-Wissenschaftsnetz (G-WiN) for DFN (Verein zur Förderung eines Deutschen Forschungsnetzes e.V.), the mobile network switching center location planning project for E-Plus Mobilfunk, and the fixed network switching center location planning project for TELEKOM AUSTRIA. We introduce a mathematical model for a hierarchical multi-commodity capacitated facility location problem, present adaptions of this basic model to the specific requirements within the different projects and discuss the individual peculiarities and model decisions made. Eventually, we present and discuss computational results of three associated case studies, illustrating '"how we did the job`` with mathematical methods.
The final NETLIB-LP results
The NETLIB has now served for 18 years as a repository of LP problem instances. From the beginning to the present day there was some uncertainness about the precise values of the optimal solutions. We implemented a program using exact rational arithmetic to compute proofs for the feasibility and optimality of an LP solution. This paper reports the \emph{exact} optimal objective values for all NETLIB problems.
We present publicly available data sets related to research on wireless networks. The scenarios contain a wide range of data and are detailed in all aspects. To our knowledge, this is the most realistic, comprehensive, and detailed \emph{public} data collection on mobile networking. We indicate example uses of this data collection in applications related tu UMTS.