Resting motor threshold and magnetic field output of the figure-of-8 and the double-cone coil

  • The use of the double-cone (DC) coil in transcranial magnetic stimulation (TMS) is promoted with the notion that the DC coil enables stimulation of deeper brain areas in contrast to conventional figure-of-8 (Fo8) coils. However, systematic comparisons of these two coil types with respect to the spatial distribution of the magnetic field output and also to the induced activity in superficial and deeper brain areas are limited. Resting motor thresholds of the left and right first dorsal interosseous (FDI) and tibialis anterior (TA) were determined with the DC and the Fo8 coil in 17 healthy subjects. Coils were orientated over the corresponding motor area in an angle of 45 degrees for the hand area with the handle pointing in posterior direction and in medio-lateral direction for the leg area. Physical measurements were done with an automatic gantry table using a Gaussmeter. Resting motor threshold was higher for the leg area in contrast to the hand area and for the Fo8 in contrast to the DC coil. Muscle by coil interaction was also significant providing higher differences between leg and hand area for the Fo8 (about 27%) in contrast to the DC coil (about 15%). Magnetic field strength was higher for the DC coil in contrast to the Fo8 coil. The DC coil produces a higher magnetic field with higher depth of penetration than the figure of eight coil.

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Author:Martin Schecklmann, Maximilian Schmausser, Felix Klinger, Peter M. Kreuzer, Lars KrenkelORCiDGND, Berthold Langguth
Parent Title (English):scientific reports
Document Type:Article
Year of first Publication:2020
Release Date:2022/01/31
Article Number:1644
Institutes:Fakultät Maschinenbau
Regensburg Center of Biomedical Engineering - RCBE
Regensburg Center of Health Sciences and Technology - RCHST
Fakultät Maschinenbau / Labor Biofluidmechanik
research focus:Lebenswissenschaften und Ethik
OpenAccess Publikationsweg:Hybrid Open Access - OA-Veröffentlichung in einer Subskriptionszeitschrift/-medium
Licence (German):Creative Commons - CC BY - Namensnennung 4.0 International
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