650 Management, Öffentlichkeitsarbeit
- Teil eines Buches (Kapitel) (13)
- Wissenschaftlicher Artikel (12)
- Konferenzveröffentlichung (9)
- Masterarbeit (9)
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- Bericht/Forschungsbericht (4)
- Buch (Monographie) (3)
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- Studienarbeit (1)
- Bewertung (16)
- Management (11)
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- Marketing (6)
- Registratur (6)
- Dokumentenverwaltungssystem (5)
- Verwaltung (5)
- Wissensmanagement (5)
- Design (4)
- FB5 Informationswissenschaften (34)
- Publikationen des FB Informationswissenschaften (20)
- FB4 Design (16)
- Kulturarbeit (3)
- FB1 Sozial- und Bildungswissenschaften (2)
- FB3 Bauingenieurwesen (2)
- ZETUP - Zentrale Einrichtung für Transfer, Unternehmen und Praxiskooperationen (2)
- Zentrale Einrichtung Gründungsservice & Managementqualifikationen (ZEGM) (2)
- Extern (1)
- Inst. für angewandte Forschung Urbane Zukunft (IaF) (1)
Dieses Fachbuch gibt einen praxisnahen Einblick in die Anforderungen an gegenwärtige und zukünftige Führungskräfte. Hierzu wurden 75 Reflexionsgespräche mit Expert*innen aus wissensintensiven Unternehmen geführt und ausgewertet. Zu den Expert*innen gehören u. a. CEOs, Unternehmer*innen, Führungskräfte unterhalb der Geschäftsführung und Berater*innen aus dem Bereich Managementcoaching. Es wird eine Antwort auf die Frage gegeben, was unter Management als Schlüsselkompetenz gegenwärtig und zukünftig verstanden wird und welche Kompetenzen und Qualifikationen ein erfolgreiches Management auszeichnen. Es werden u.a. folgende Themen beleuchtet: Führung in der Pandemiesituation (Corona 2020/21), Beurteilung Managementpotenziale, Entwicklung von Mitarbeiter*innen, dynamische Fähigkeiten, Führung der jungen Generation (Z), zukünftige Managementkompetenzen und Unternehmensorganisation in der Zukunft. Im letzten Teil werden Gestaltungsempfehlungen präsentiert, die sich mit einem dynamischen Strategieverständnis beschäftigen, Ansätze zur Kompetenzsystematisierung aufzeigen sowie Kriterien für ein Anforderungsprofil für (zukünftige) Führungskräfte verdeutlichen.
Das Buch richtet sich an Managementinteressierte, Führungskräfte und Studierende, die einen Einblick in die Erfahrungswelt erfolgreicher Gestalter*innen und Manager*innen gewinnen wollen. Zu jedem Themenkomplex gibt es Reflexionsfragen, die dabei unterstützen, zu überprüfen, ob das eigene Unternehmen, die eigene Persönlichkeit und die vorhandenen Fähigkeiten mit den Anforderungen an ein zeitgemäßes Management in Einklang stehen.
The 17th International Conference on Knowledge Management was held in the historic city of Potsdam, Germany. The conference was among the first post-pandemic face to face conferences, and the overall theme of the 17th edition of the ICKM conference rightly focused on “Knowledge, Uncertainty and Risks: From individual to global scale” at different levels of analysis and agency.
Wer mit der Aufbewahrung und Aufbereitung von Daten betraut ist, trägt eine große Verantwortung: Die Informationen müssen in der optimalen Form und für eine näher bezeichnete Lebensdauer so aufbewahrt werden, dass sie vor Schäden und Verlust sicher sind, und auch datenschutzrechtliche Aspekte erfüllt werden. Die Bedingungen für den Umgang mit Daten finden sich in der ISO 15489, und im ISO/TR 21946. Der Unterschied besteht im Wesentlichen im Grad der Konkretisierung und im spezifischen Verwendungszweck. So gilt der ISO/TR 21946 für die Bewertung von Aufzeichnungen zur Vorbereitung des Aufbaus eines umfassenden Datenmanagements. Dieses Datenmanagement soll sich idealerweise über den gesamten Lebenszyklus der Informationen erstrecken.
This article reports the results from an information and knowledge assessment (IKA) to identify information and knowledge needs and, their coverage by information resources to derive recommendations for improvement and proposes a contingeny framework. The approach is based on a review of audit methods from information sciences and management, knowledge management and the engineering discipline and tested with data (N = 580) collected from the engineering domain within an automotive supplier over six European sites. The integrated assessment uses content needs profiles from two complementary perspectives, the coverage of needs by various internal information sources and data on awareness and usage of these information sources. The employment of content categories on a more granular analytical level than information systems sources opens up new possibilities to derive improvement measures and requirements for the design of information systems within an organization. The brief data-gathering instrument also reduces the required resources to implement this approach considerably overcoming weaknesses previously identified in case studies and the IA literature. It makes a contribution to research bridging the gap between research and practice and opens up options to design contingency frameworks for a specific domain.
Climate change severely affects Alpine regions. Adaptation to climate change is needed in order to deal with these impacts, but the implementation of national adaptation strategies is inhibited by multiple obstacles. Regional strategic frameworks are just emerging, adaptation is of little priority to local agendas and policy mainstreaming is limited on all administrative levels. This paper provides a better understanding of the governance of adaptation to climate change in Switzerland, an example of a federal system with a strong focus on subnational levels and multilevel governance. We conceptualize governance as a network of policies, measures, actors and knowledge, and visualize their interactions using D3.js, a data-driven JavaScript library. The findings illustrate the typical division of labour in federal multilevel governance systems. The national level provides a strategic framework and funding and conducts coordinating measures at subnational levels, especially the local-level implementation of concrete measures. Conducting comparable mappings for other countries would allow interesting comparisons and insights into common barriers and opportunities to adaptation to climate change.
Over the past two decades, knowledge management (KM) and the use of information technologies (IT) has attracted increasing interest. IT is widely considered as a vital part of KM, providing means for knowledge creation, sharing, and capture. However, failures of KM in organizational practice are often attributed to an overemphasis of IT. Although KM and IT seem inextricably linked, research still struggles to identify a proper composition of the two. Via input from a global panel of KM experts from academia and practice (n = 222), we identify social software; consumerization (of knowledge); human factors; and the redesign of work, systems, and practices as future key research areas. These are contrasted with review papers proposing research in technologies aimed at supporting KM. On this basis, we present a future research agenda that should enhance the relationship between KM and IT, including their intersection through technology enablers.
Knowledge management
This paper aims to review for the first time existing research literature about the role of gender in creating, sharing and using knowledge in organizations and proposes a conceptual framework to guide future research directions.
Based on the systematic literature review method this study collects, synthesizes and analyses articles related to knowledge management (KM) and gender published in online databases by following a pre-defined review protocol. The paper analyses 41 papers published in peer-reviewed journals.
The role of gender in KM has been rarely addressed in KM journals and journals with specific emphasis on gender. The existing literature is fragmented, but existing research suggests that knowledge sharing might be influenced by gender. Based on the analysis and synthesis, a conceptual framework is proposed to guide further research on determining if gender matters in KM.
Research limitations/implications
Academic researchers should aim to include gender-related variables into their KM research to further explore if gender matters in KM.
Practical implications
The practical implication suggests that managers and knowledge managers should raise awareness about how stereotypes and gendered expectations about role behaviour affect how knowledge and experiences are created and shared within the organization.
Social implications
The authors believe that a better understanding of knowledge handling and gendered role expectations at the workplace could also have an impact beyond organizational boundaries.
The paper presents the first comprehensive systematic literature review of the article published on knowledge creation, sharing and usage and gender and provides a conceptual framework for future research.