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Education to the recognition of the equal right to freedom of all people with Betzavta – the Method of the Adam Institute. Evaluation of the role of the facilitation for the effect of the method

  • The present thesis deals with the role of the facilitation in the work with Betzavta – the Method of the Adam Institute that was developed by Dr. Uki Maroshek-Klarman at the Adam Institute for Democracy and Peace (Israel). The objective of the democracy education method is the education to the active recognition of the equal right to freedom of all people. In order to attain said objective, a specific educational process is designed that is based on the work with democratic dilemmas and the increase of complexity when looking at political issues. The awareness about the complexity as well as the recognition of the equal right to freedom of all people should enable participants to find sustainable solutions for societal conflicts and deficiencies that benefit all and disadvantaged social groups in particular. The pedagogical process addresses the cognitive as well as the experiential dimension and refers to the level of individuals as well as (sub-)groups, in the seminar group and in the entire society. AThe present thesis deals with the role of the facilitation in the work with Betzavta – the Method of the Adam Institute that was developed by Dr. Uki Maroshek-Klarman at the Adam Institute for Democracy and Peace (Israel). The objective of the democracy education method is the education to the active recognition of the equal right to freedom of all people. In order to attain said objective, a specific educational process is designed that is based on the work with democratic dilemmas and the increase of complexity when looking at political issues. The awareness about the complexity as well as the recognition of the equal right to freedom of all people should enable participants to find sustainable solutions for societal conflicts and deficiencies that benefit all and disadvantaged social groups in particular. The pedagogical process addresses the cognitive as well as the experiential dimension and refers to the level of individuals as well as (sub-)groups, in the seminar group and in the entire society. A specific way of facilitation is needed for the design of such educational processes and for their intended effect. This facilitation is in the focus of the thesis. In order to examine how the way of facilitation relates to possible effects of the method, a multi-day seminar was evaluated within the frame of a case study and by use of qualitative methods. Several interviews with the developer as well as her writings constitute the central standard of comparison of the evaluation.show moreshow less

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Author:Marett Katalin Klahn
Referee:Michał Buchowski
Advisor:Michał Buchowski
Document Type:Master's Thesis
Date of Publication (online):2020/06/30
Publishing Institution:Europa-Universität Viadrina Frankfurt
Granting Institution:Europa-Universität Viadrina Frankfurt, Kulturwissenschaftliche Fakultät
Date of final exam:2019/08/21
Release Date:2020/07/01
Democracy; Democracy Education; Evaluation; Facilitation
Page Number:96
Institutes:Kulturwissenschaftliche Fakultät
Licence (German):License LogoCreative Commons - CC BY-NC-ND 4.0 International - Namensnennung - Nicht kommerziell - Keine Bearbeitungen
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