Fakultät für Ingenieurwissenschaften
Year of publication
Document Type
- Conference Proceeding (143)
- Article (peer reviewed) (37)
- Contribution to a Periodical (27)
- Doctoral Thesis (10)
- Other (8)
- Part of a Book (4)
- Report (3)
- Book (2)
- Working Paper (1)
Is part of the Bibliography
- no (235)
- Reinraum (10)
- Spritzguss (10)
- DC/DC converter (8)
- Microelectronics (6)
- Elektrische Antriebssysteme (5)
- Leistungselektronik (5)
- fluorescence (5)
- Automatisierungstechnik (4)
- Kunststoffe (4)
- Verbundhaftung (4)
A reconfigurable planar inductor based on bistable compliant mechanism is proposed. Flexible snapping of wire elements is used for modification of the loop area and self inductance as well as for the mutual coupling between laterally arranged multiple inductors in a magneto-inductive wave (MIW) device. A mechanical model is presented building the basis for an analytical inductance model. The bistable reconfigurability is demonstrated experimentally and confirmed by numerical simulation results.
Enhanced Time-Optimal Filter-Based Point-to-Point Trajectory Generation with Vibration Suppression
By axially loading of a cylindrical wire we utilize the first order buckling mode to form the shape of a segment of a wire loop inductor. The shape of the deformed wire is expressed in analytical form and provides the basis for a semi-empirical formulation of the loop inductance. Combining several buckling segments and taking advantage of the snap-through behavior of such a segment, the shape of the wire loop in air and hence the loop inductance can be varied mechanically on purpose. The analytical model for the tunable inductance enables a design methodology for bistable compliant inductors. We present two designs of mechanically tuned inductors in the range from 20nH to 50nH. Furthermore the electromagnetic properties of the proposed innovative components are confirmed by method of moments numerical modeling based on quasi-static magnetic fields and by experiment. We finally show that the design process is applicable to regular plane polygonal inductors representing multi-stable compliant stages.
A mechanically tunable planar single-turn inductor in air is proposed. The bistable flexible deflection of axially compressed wire segments is used for variation of the loop area of regular polygonal loop inductors. We present analytical expressions for the loop inductance and confirm the theoretical findings by magneto-quasi-static field simulation on exemplary polygonal circuits.
A reinforcement of concrete structures is needed because of the low tensile strength of concrete. Corrosion of the usually used steel reinforcments cause issues during time. Therfore, alternative reinforcements produced from non-corosive materials - like polymer fibers - become more interesting. A polymer fiber has to reach high mechanical properties and a good bonding ability to concrete. Both properties can be influenced by the selection of polymer and the used production process. Two polymers, polypropylene and aliphatic polyketone are tested within this study. First mono-material fibers of each material are produced and tested, later the materials are combined in a core-shell fiber. All fibers are produced by standard extrusion or coextrusion and a later drawing process. The mechanical properties are determined by tensile tests. The calculation of interfacial shear strength from single fiber pull-out tests allows an evaluation of the bonding ability. Additionally, fiber surface before and after pull-out is examined using reflected light microscopy. Contact angle measurements are done to evaluate possible influences of the surface energy and polarity. Density measurements are used to compare weight potential of the different mono-material and core-shell fibers. The results show good mechanical properties for all fiber materials. The interfacial shear strength is ≈ 2-3 times higher for fibers with polyketone compared to the ones with polypropylene at the fibers surface, which can be explained by higher surface energy and polarity of the polyketone compared to polypropylene and different surface deformation during pull-out. Lower densities are reached by fibers containing polypropylene.
Umfassende Programmierkenntnisse werden für Ingenieur:innen immer wichtiger, vor allem im Bereich der Produktentwicklung. Die Autoren erklären die Grundlagen der Ingenieurinformatik beispielhaft anhand von MATLAB, Simulink und Stateflow.
Neben den Grundkenntnissen lernen Leser:innen auch die Vorteile von MATLAB im Vergleich zu anderen Programmiersprachen kennen und anzuwenden. Die dabei vorgestellten Zusammenhänge und Prinzipien sind allgemeingültig und lassen sich daher auch problemlos auf andere Programmiersprachen übertragen. Konkrete Beispiele und Problemstellungen aus der Ingenieurpraxis werden vorgestellt und Lösungsansätze aufgezeigt.
Das Lehrbuch richtet sich an Studierende aller ingenieurwissenschaftlichen Studiengänge. Es eignet sich besonders für die Bachelorausbildung in den Studienschwerpunkten Elektro- und Informationstechnik, Mechatronik, Maschinenbau, Automatisierungstechnik sowie Energie- und Gebäudetechnik.
Für die zweite Auflage wurde das Lehrbuch umfassend überarbeitet und an die aktuellen Programmversionen angepasst. Weitere Übungen mit Lösungen sowie Hinweise zur Erstellung eigener Apps und Programmbeispiele stehen auf plus.hanser-fachbuch.de zur Verfügung.
Der auf dem Cover abgebildete Programmcode und die animierte Rakete wurden im Projekt „water rocket“ an der Technischen Hochschule Rosenheim im Jahr 2021 unter der Leitung von Prof. Zentgraf entwickelt. Die Projekt-Unterlagen und der zugehörige Filmbeitrag können unter www.th-rosenheim.de/rt-WaterRocket eingesehen werden.
The variation of the contact impedance of adhesive conductive EMI shielding tapes under high temperature storage (HTS) of 110degC is investigated. The adhesive tapes under test are implemented as signal return paths in microstrip lines. Changes in the ground plane impedance by adhesive deterioration are analyzed by S-parameter measurements from 1MHz to 3GHz. A circuit model for contact impedance degradation is proposed and applied in simulation of board level shielding. Contact resistance and contact capacitance are found to increase significantly after 2400h, causing a declined magnetic field shielding effectiveness by 30 dB below 500 MHz.
Enhanced inductive power transmission (IPT) between coaxially arranged circular coils is introduced by time-modulation of the mutual inductance. This modulation is accomplished by coherent switching of the short circuit current induced in a third loop. An analytical circuit model supporting the design for future time-modulated IPT systems is derived. We demonstrate an increase in load rms-voltage by 13% (28% gain in power) compared to an unmodulated transfer on an experimental system operating at fundamental frequencies ranging from 40kHz to 500kHz.