Publication Server OPUS of the Technical University of Applied Sciences Rosenheim
The online publications service at Rosenheim Technical University of Applied Sciences (TUAS) offers all those affiliated with Rosenheim TUAS the organisational and technical support required for quick and easy electronic publication of scientific documents.
It is possible to publish documents as a full text or to just list the bibliographic data of the publications for documentation purposes (= title registration).
For publications please select the menu "Publish". The login details can be found in the intranet: OPUS-Intranet
Theses written by students are hosted on a separate online publications server at the Rosenheim TUAS library. On the recommendation of the project leader and the respective student's supervisor, final theses or project papers, which are written in the course of a research and development project run at Rosenheim TUAS, can be hosted on the publications server.
Teaching materials and lecture scripts are not be stored here.
After publication, the texts are available worldwide on the Internet and will be archived permanently by the library. The documents are indexed and made accessible in library catalogues and Web search engines.