Exploration of Gas Flow During High Frequency Oscillated Ventilation by 19F-Gas-MRI

  • To detect convective gas flow inside the large airways during high frequency oscillated ventilation (HFOV) the fluorinated contrast gas Heptafluoropropane was used for 19F-MRI. In a first study the comparison between constant flow measurements and Computational Fluid Dynamics (CFD) simulations provided a good agreement. In a following experiment oscillated flow was applied to a lung phantom consisting of ventilation bag and long pipe. The pressure wave inside the pipe was explored point-by-point and corresponding velocities were determined. With these experiments it could be shown for the first time that flow measurement during HFOV using fluorinated contrast gas is feasible.

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Author:Janet Friedrich, Julien Rivoire, Alexander Scholz, Wiegbert, Maxim Terekov, Rainer Kbrich, Lars KrenkelORCiDGND, Claus Wagner, Laura Maria Schreiber
URL / DOI:https://archive.ismrm.org/2010/2527.html
Parent Title (English):Proceedings of the International Society for Magnetic Resonance in Medicine
Document Type:conference proceeding (presentation, abstract)
Year of first Publication:2010
Release Date:2023/02/13
Institutes:Fakultät Maschinenbau
Fakultät Maschinenbau / Labor Biofluidmechanik
Publication:Externe Publikationen
research focus:Produktion und Systeme
Licence (German):Keine Lizenz - Es gilt das deutsche Urheberrecht: § 53 UrhG
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