Publication server of the Catholic University Eichstätt-Ingolstadt
Publishing in KU.opus
The online publication system KU.opus supports you in ...- publishing doctoral theses (Flyer) and habilitation theses online
- Access rates show: Your publication is seen
- Titles can be found in search engines and library catalogs
- Your work is permanently archived by the German National Library
- Quick and easy procedure thanks to a user-friendly publishing tool
- Follow the menu item "Publish"
Searching in KU.opus
Search for online theses at the Catholic University of Eichstätt-Ingolstadt ...
- List KU online publications under the menu item "search --> all documents"
- Differentiated information offer for each title
- URN (Uniform Resource Name) as permanent and globally unique
name of the document - Diverse search access via "advanced search function"