Hydrogen-Containing Amorphous Carbon Layers as Optical Materials in the Near-IR Spectral Range

  • Hydrogenated amorphous carbon layers were deposited on various substrates by means of a plasma CVD process with a RF substrate bias as well as an ECR plasma source. The optical properties of the a-C:H layers were obtained via spectroscopic ellipsometry and correlated with their mechanical and chemical properties. The layers from pure RF plasma exhibit a higher absorption constant in the visible spectral range and a higher refractive index. All layers are nearly transparent in the NIR spectral range making them candidates for optical thin layer systems. The laser damage behaviour of the a-C:H layers was investigated with ultrashort pulses. The damage thresholds were consistent with the absorption constants of the layers. Interesting damage morphologies were observed indicating a sensitivity of this experiment to sub-structures in the layer.

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Autor*innen:Andreas HertwigORCiD, Jörg KrügerORCiD, Matthias Weise, Uwe Beck
Titel des übergeordneten Werkes (Englisch):Plasma processes and polymers
Jahr der Erstveröffentlichung:2007
Verlag:Wiley-VCH Verl.
Erste Seite:S76
Letzte Seite:S82
Freie Schlagwörter:Amorphous; Diamond-like carbon; Ellipsometrie; Hydrocarbons; Kohlenstoffschichten; Laser ablation; Laser-Material-Bearbeitung; Optical proper; Optische Konstanten
Verfügbarkeit des Dokuments:Physisches Exemplar in der Bibliothek der BAM vorhanden ("Hardcopy Access")
Bibliotheksstandort:Sonderstandort: Publica-Schrank
Datum der Freischaltung:19.02.2016
Referierte Publikation:Ja
Datum der Eintragung als referierte Publikation:07.06.2007
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