The Concept of >Man< and < Its Significance in Fromm's Philosophy [弗洛姆哲学中的>人<及其价值归宿]

  • 弗洛姆哲学中的>人<与青年马克思时期的>异化<逻辑是同构的。弗洛姆哲学是以>异化<逻辑为基础的资本主义现代性批判,虽然能够在近代西方社会文化和心理发展史层面作出带有历史唯物主义色彩的阐释,但其二元对立的思维方式无法真正超越启蒙理性关于人的抽象建构。在价值主体模糊、实现手段缺失的情况下,弗洛姆哲学关于>人<的>社会诊断<逐步缩减为个体的>自我选择<,最终将>人的解放<问题推入了文化浪漫主义的领域。
  • The >man< in Fromm's philosophy is isomorphic to the logic of >alienation< of the Young Marx. Fromm's philosophy is a critique of capitalist modernity based on the logic of >alienation<. Although it is capable of historical materialist interpretations at the level of the historical development of modern Western sociocultural and psychological development, its dualistic way of thinking cannot really transcend the abstract construction of the human being by Enlightenment reason. With the subject of value obscured and the means of realization missing, the >social diagnosis< of >man< in Fromm's philosophy was gradually reduced to individual >self-selection<, which finally pushed the question of >human liberation< into the realm of cultural romanticism. [Automatic translation]

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Author:Wei Zheng
Parent Title (Chinese):Studies on Marxist Theory [马克思主义理论学科研究], No. 5 (2020), pp. 133-141.
Document Type:Articles
Year of first Publication:2020
Release Date:2022/05/04
Format:no download and copy possible
Writings about Erich Fromm (Secondary Literature):Articles / Artikel
Erich Fromm's Library and Erich Fromm Archive:Articles / Artikel
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