An Analysis of Cao Qiqiao and Yuezi's Images from the Perspective of Morbid Love [从病态爱的角度分析曹七巧和悦子的形象] [application of Fromm's theories to art].

  • 中国作家张爱玲的《金锁记》与日本作家三岛由纪夫的《爱的饥渴》中,女主人公都呈现出接近疯狂的病态式爱情。病态爱的展示中,其在思想上也呈现出延续性的特征。以病态的爱为切入口,从病态爱的呈现到病态爱的主体两方面进行论述。美籍德裔社会心理学家艾里希·弗洛姆有关爱的理论也对本文有借鉴意义。通过两部作品的对比,可以得出两位女性病态情感产生的共性及影响她们行为的因素,从而呈现出超越国籍和作家的人类情感的普遍性特征。
  • In both Chinese writer Zhang Ailing's >The Golden Cangue< and Japanese writer Yukio Mishima's >Thirst for Love<, the heroines present a morbid love that is close to madness. The display of morbid love is also characterized by continuity in thought. Taking morbid love as an entry point, we discuss the presentation of morbid love and the subject of morbid love. The theory of love by the German-American social psychologist Erich Fromm is also relevant to this paper. By comparing the two works, the commonalities between the two women's pathological emotions and the factors influencing their behavior can be drawn, thus presenting the universal characteristics of human emotions that transcend nationality and authorship.[Translation: www.DeepL/Translator, free version, 6/2021]

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Author:Ting Ma
Parent Title (Chinese):Northern Literature [北方文学], No. 35 (2020), pp. 13-16.
Document Type:Articles
Year of first Publication:2020
Release Date:2022/05/04
Format:no download and copy possible
Writings about Erich Fromm (Secondary Literature):Articles / Artikel
Erich Fromm's Library and Erich Fromm Archive:Articles / Artikel
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