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Gas production of comet 67P/Churyumov-Gerasimenko reconstructed from DFMS/COPS data

  • We reconstruct the temporal evolution of surface emissions for the four major gas species H2O, CO2, CO, and O2 emitted during the 2015 apparition of comet 67P/Churyumov-Gerasimenko (67P/C-G). Measurements from the Double Focusing Mass Spectrometer (DFMS) of the Rosetta Orbiter Spectrometer for Ion and Neutral Analysis (ROSINA) and the COmet Pressure Sensor (COPS) are used to determine the gas sources on the surface with an inverse gas model for the entire coma. For all species, peak production rates and integrated production rates per orbit are evaluated separately for the northern and the southern hemisphere. Complemented with the total mass production, this allows us to estimate the dust-to-gas ratio of the emitted material.
Author:Matthias LäuterORCiD, Tobias KramerORCiD, Martin RubinORCiD, Kathrin AltweggORCiD
Document Type:In Proceedings
Parent Title (English):Europlanet Science Congress
First Page:EPSC2018-515-1
Publisher:Europlanet Science Congress
Year of first publication:2018
Published in:Europlanet Science Congress 2018
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