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A Deep Learning Method for Automated Detection of Meniscal Tears in Meniscal Sub-Regions in 3D MRI Data

  • This work presents a fully automated pipeline, centered around a deep neural network, as well as a method to train that network in an efficient manner, that enables accurate detection of lesions in meniscal anatomical subregions. The network architecture is based on a transformer encoder/decoder. It is trained on DESS and tuned on IW TSE 3D MRI scans sourced from the Osteoarthritis Initiative. Furthermore, it is trained in a multilabel, and multitask fashion, using an auxiliary detection head. The former enables implicit localisation of meniscal defects, that to the best of my knowledge, has not yet been reported elsewhere. The latter enables efficient learning on the entire 3D MRI volume. Thus, the proposed method does not require any expert knowledge at inference. Aggregated inference results from two datasets resulted in an overall AUCROC result of 0.90, 0.91 and 0.93 for meniscal lesion detection anywhere in the knee, in medial and in lateral menisci respectively. These results compare very well to the related work, even though only a fraction of the data has been utilized. Clinical applicability and benefit is yet to be determined.
Author:Alexey Shestakov
Document Type:Master's Thesis
Tag:Computational Diagnosis; Knee Osteoarthritis; Machine Learning
MSC-Classification:68-XX COMPUTER SCIENCE (For papers involving machine computations and programs in a specific mathematical area, see Section -04 in that area)
CCS-Classification:J. Computer Applications
Granting Institution:Freie Universität Berlin
Advisor:Tack Alexander, Zachow Stefan
Date of final exam:2021/09/20
Year of first publication:2021
Page Number:96
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