
(Technical) Requirements for the documents

Your document must be a scientific document, which can be read with a current reader programme; the standard is PDF-A, an archivable PDF file. The size of the file should be "as small as possible". The system will only accept files for uploading up to a size of 250 MB.

The file names should be without special characters and ideally kept as “simple” as possible (e.g. Surname_Diss.pdf), as the name of the file is publicly visible after the publication.

OPUS currently supports multiple document types including pdf, txt, html, htm.

If your work contains programmes, files, video sequences, audio documents or similar material on a supplementary CD, please contact us. By arrangement, such documents can be uploaded as compressed files in ZIP format.

The document may not be copy protected or access restricted in any way. This is a requirement of the German National Library, in order to be able to guarantee the long-term archiving of the document.

Please do not use print or copy protection within your PDF. These “security settings” do not prevent your text from illegal use. In addition, your document will then not be included in the full text search function of OPUS; your publication will then be much harder to find.

Please ensure that the appropriate title and author information is contained in the document properties (File -> Properties or File -> Document Properties).

Please submit your text documents as a PDF/A-file (= unrestricted PDF). Documents in OPUS are usually published in PDF format. In order to guarantee long-term archiving, the relevant document must be saved in standardised unrestricted PDF/A format. PDF/A is an international standard, which was specifically developed for the archiving of documents. By saving using the PDF/A standard, it is ensured that the file is also readable if it is opened on a computer which does not have the fonts used installed. For this purpose, all fonts and images used in the document are embedded and the metadata is recorded in a standardised format.