Non-destructive evaluation of treated polyethylene terephthalate films by fluorescence lifetime imaging

  • The fluorescence decay time allows to identify and distinguish polymers from each other. Three differently treated biaxially-oriented polyethylene terephthalate films are examined with two excitation wavelengths of 445 and 488nm. The fluorescence decay time is dependent of the treatment method of the films and is a means for identification.

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Author:Maximilian Wohlschläger, Martin Versen, Christian Laforsch
Parent Title (English):2021 IEEE Sensors Applications Symposium (SAS)
Document Type:Conference Proceeding
Publication Year:2021
Tag:FD-FLIM; fluorescence; fluorescence lifetime imaging; polymer; polymer identification
First Page:1
Last Page:5
faculties / departments:Fakultät für Ingenieurwissenschaften
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