Publication Server of Technical University of Applied Sciences Würzburg-Schweinfurt
The library offers all members of the university the opportunity to publish electronically generated, qualified documents free of charge via its online publication system. After publication, the texts are available worldwide on the Internet, provided they have been released for this purpose, and are permanently archived by the library. The documents are indexed and accessible via library catalogs and WWW search engines.
OPUS focuses on archiving outstanding theses and scientific publications by employees of the Würzburg-Schweinfurt University of Applied Sciences in electronic form.
Theses that are blocked for the general public are only listed with the author and title of the topic. Only authorized persons (author, supervisor) can download the document.
If you want to search for texts from the university, use the search window at the bottom of this page. There you will also find the link to the advanced search form.
You can transfer your document to the publication server in just a few steps via the "Publish" menu. Please note that you can only upload full texts and bibliographic data within the university network or via external access. The final release of the document is carried out by the administrator of the publication server.
All publications by members of the THWS should be listed here as completely as possible.
If the legal framework permits, the corresponding full texts will also be made available.
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CAUTION: If you upload documents/entries, please follow our instructions. Information on the possibility of an automated import of documents can be found here.
It is now possible to import article metadata via DOI! Simply click on "Publish" and select the document type "DOI import". You can then enter the DOI of your article on the following page.