Characterization of a new non-centrosymmetric polymorph of diphenyl-1,3,4-oxadiazole

  • Diphenyl-1,3,4-oxadiazole (DPO) crystallization experiments from solutions clearly reveal the polymorphism of the substance. Besides the formerly known centrosymmetric monoclinic structure with space group P21/c (DPO I) a new monoclinic structure with the non-centrosymmetric space group Cc is found (DPO II): a=2.4134(4) nm, b=2.4099(3) nm, c=1.2879(2) nm,?=110.048(3)°, and V=7.0363(17) nm3. The asymmetric unit contains six independent molecules in a complex packing motif. A re-determination of the crystal structure of DPO I at room temperature gives lattice parameters a=0.51885(6) nm, b=1.8078(2) nm, c=1.21435(14) nm, ?=93.193(3)°, and V=1.1373(2) nm3. X-ray measurements at 363 K show a significant increase of the unit cell volume by 1.6%. Differences between both structures concerning morphology and characteristic Raman bands are outlined in detail. DSC investigations show an irreversible transition from DPO I to DPO II at 97 °C. DPO II does not show any transition in the temperatureDiphenyl-1,3,4-oxadiazole (DPO) crystallization experiments from solutions clearly reveal the polymorphism of the substance. Besides the formerly known centrosymmetric monoclinic structure with space group P21/c (DPO I) a new monoclinic structure with the non-centrosymmetric space group Cc is found (DPO II): a=2.4134(4) nm, b=2.4099(3) nm, c=1.2879(2) nm,?=110.048(3)°, and V=7.0363(17) nm3. The asymmetric unit contains six independent molecules in a complex packing motif. A re-determination of the crystal structure of DPO I at room temperature gives lattice parameters a=0.51885(6) nm, b=1.8078(2) nm, c=1.21435(14) nm, ?=93.193(3)°, and V=1.1373(2) nm3. X-ray measurements at 363 K show a significant increase of the unit cell volume by 1.6%. Differences between both structures concerning morphology and characteristic Raman bands are outlined in detail. DSC investigations show an irreversible transition from DPO I to DPO II at 97 °C. DPO II does not show any transition in the temperature range up to the melting point at 141 °C. The non-centrosymmetric DPO II structure shows triboluminescence.zeige mehrzeige weniger

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Autor*innen:O. Franco, Günter Reck, I. Orgzall, Burkhard Schulz, B. Schulz
Titel des übergeordneten Werkes (Englisch):Journal of molecular structure
Jahr der Erstveröffentlichung:2003
Erste Seite:219
Letzte Seite:230
Freie Schlagwörter:Diphenyl-1,3,4-oxadiazole; Non-centrosymmetric structure; Polymorphism; X-ray structure
Verfügbarkeit des Dokuments:Physisches Exemplar in der Bibliothek der BAM vorhanden ("Hardcopy Access")
Bibliotheksstandort:Sonderstandort: Publica-Schrank
Datum der Freischaltung:19.02.2016
Referierte Publikation:Ja
Datum der Eintragung als referierte Publikation:24.04.2003
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