Gold provenance studies for Romanian archaeological objects using micro-SR-XRF

  • Studies by Synchrotron Radiation-X-Ray Fluorescence (SR-XRF) for the search of the presence of trace elements like Sb, Sn, Te and Pb in archaeological metallic objects found on the territory of Romania-old coins and Bronze Age jewelry, aimed to determine the provenance of the gold used in their manufacture. The results are compared with the detailed elemental composition of alluvial or primary gold samples, obtained by the same technique. This work attempted to establish the origin of the gold used for the mint of two different types of koson coins. We found that the kosons with monogram are made of refined gold, while the one used for the kosons without monogram is mainly alluvial. The gold used in the manufacture of the Calarasi Vulchitrun-type disk and the Tauteu hair ring is also of alluvial origin.

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Autor*innen:A. Vasilescu, B. Constantinescu, R. Bugoi, Martin RadtkeORCiD, Uwe Reinholz, R. Simon
Persönliche Herausgeber*innen:M. Denecke, C. Walker
Dokumenttyp:Beitrag zu einem Tagungsband
Titel des übergeordneten Werkes (Englisch):20th International congress on X-ray optics and microanalysis (Proceedings)
Jahr der Erstveröffentlichung:2010
Verlag:American Institute of Physics
Erste Seite:139
Letzte Seite:143
Freie Schlagwörter:Gold; Provenance; SR-XRF; Trace elements
Veranstaltung:20th International congress on X-ray optics and microanalysis
Veranstaltungsort:Karlsruhe, Germany
Beginndatum der Veranstaltung:2009-09-14
Enddatum der Veranstaltung:2009-09-18
Verfügbarkeit des Dokuments:Physisches Exemplar in der Bibliothek der BAM vorhanden ("Hardcopy Access")
Bibliotheksstandort:Sonderstandort: Publica-Schrank
Datum der Freischaltung:19.02.2016
Referierte Publikation:Nein
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