Characterization of sewage plant hydrocolloids using asymmetrical flow field-flow fractionation and ICP-mass spectrometry

  • Asymmetrical flow field-flow fractionation (AF4) was applied to characterize aquatic colloids from biological sewage plants and to infer information of colloidal loads, sources, and sinks within the plants, resp. the colloidal interaction with the aqueous phase and the sewage sludge. To characterize the colloids further, especially the distributions of colloid associated heavy metals, the AF4 system was coupled to an inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometer (ICP-MS). The size distribution is determined by AF4 with UV absorbance and fluorescence detection after a calibration by monodisperse polystyrene sulfonate standards (PSS). Samples from different sewage plants and from different depths and locations within a plant were compared. The fulvic/humic acid fraction with a particle diameter dp < 10 nm appeared to be comparable in all samples and decreases only slightly along the plants, whereas larger colloids with dp > 10 nm almost completely passed into the sewage sludge. TheAsymmetrical flow field-flow fractionation (AF4) was applied to characterize aquatic colloids from biological sewage plants and to infer information of colloidal loads, sources, and sinks within the plants, resp. the colloidal interaction with the aqueous phase and the sewage sludge. To characterize the colloids further, especially the distributions of colloid associated heavy metals, the AF4 system was coupled to an inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometer (ICP-MS). The size distribution is determined by AF4 with UV absorbance and fluorescence detection after a calibration by monodisperse polystyrene sulfonate standards (PSS). Samples from different sewage plants and from different depths and locations within a plant were compared. The fulvic/humic acid fraction with a particle diameter dp < 10 nm appeared to be comparable in all samples and decreases only slightly along the plants, whereas larger colloids with dp > 10 nm almost completely passed into the sewage sludge. The concentrations of the initial colloidal heavy metals decreased along the plants.zeige mehrzeige weniger

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Autor*innen:H. Prestel, L. Schott, R. Niessner, Ulrich PanneORCiD
Titel des übergeordneten Werkes (Englisch):Water research
Jahr der Erstveröffentlichung:2005
Herausgeber (Institution):International Association on Water Pollution Research
Erste Seite:3541
Letzte Seite:3552
Freie Schlagwörter:Asymmetrical flow field-flow fractionation (AF4); Biological sewage plants; Humic colloids; Inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometry (ICP-MS)
Verfügbarkeit des Dokuments:Physisches Exemplar in der Bibliothek der BAM vorhanden ("Hardcopy Access")
Bibliotheksstandort:Sonderstandort: Publica-Schrank
Datum der Freischaltung:19.02.2016
Referierte Publikation:Ja
Datum der Eintragung als referierte Publikation:22.09.2005
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