On the Alienation of Martin in >Arrowsmith< [论《阿罗史密斯》中马丁的异化], Master thesis, English Language and Literature, Hunan Normal University, Changsha, Hunan, China 2020 [application of Fromm's theories to art].

  • 辛克莱·刘易斯 (Sinclair Lewis) (1885-1951)因成为第一位荣获美国诺贝尔文学家的作家而世界闻名。刘易斯的小说主要呈现了经历了时代变化的一代人身上的忧虑,他也善于运用讽刺写作手法来探索无情的工业社会带来的一系列问题。刘易斯笔下的人物遭遇到这些社会或者职业相关的问题时,他时常给他们提供逃避性的解决办法,如逃避到大自然中去。刘易斯创作了许多著名的作品,其中《阿罗史密斯》是他自称倾注了全部心力的一部作品。和刘易斯一样,主人公阿罗史密斯也生活在在十九与二十世纪之交。当时美国经济迅速发展,物质生活极其丰富,但是越来越多的人在其中感受到了焦虑、恐惧、孤独和茫然。这种将自己看作是一个陌生人以及自己行为的奴隶的心理体验,是异化的一种表现,同时他也感觉他被自己,他人和社会排斥在外。这种现象不容忽视。根据弗洛姆的异化理论,这种心理现象是一种异化。在《阿罗史密斯》中,个人被异化的这种状态由主人公马丁阿罗史密斯淋漓精致地体现出来。迅猛发展的资本主义经济不断地将每个人变成能用钱衡量和被买卖的商品,马丁对纯粹科学的偏执和想和人们建立亲密联系的渴望就自然消失殆尽了。由于一系列原因,马丁陷入了被自己,他人和社会异化的处境。埃里希·弗洛姆在其异化理论中指出,如果采取适当的措施,个人的异化是能够被克服的。马丁异化的原因,表现和他为克服异化所做的尝试将会分三个部分进行讨论。第一章主要讨论马丁异化的原因。马丁被异化的根源在于资本主义经济对他的商品化,以及他与他人和社会的联系被切断。首先,资本主义经济的市场原则极大地损害了马丁的个人能力和救死扶伤的信心。第二,人生命的短暂与他的潜能之间的矛盾导致了他的异化。由于人的生命是有限的,当时历史条件下的医疗水平也是有限的,因此马丁不能发挥出他的全部潜能来治愈病患或者拯救他所爱的人的生命。在这种情形下,马丁从未放弃与这种矛盾进行对抗,但持续的失败陷入了沮丧与被异化的境地。第三,人类的心理与个性是马丁异化的主观原因。马丁生活在一个金钱至上的社会中,像他这般单纯善良的人竟然相信纯粹科学的存在,他难免不会被孤立和异化。不论是作为一个医学生,外科医生还是科学家,他时刻感觉到自己与别人的不同,被孤立和焦虑的情绪。第二章围绕着马丁的社会关系来展开他被异化的表现,主要是关于他和他自己,其他人以及社会的关系。本论文所指的他与自己关系的异化体现在他出卖自己的人格以及不断地对他人进行偶像崇拜的行为。马丁与他人异化的表现是他与自己最亲近的人之间的关系本质上却是物质利益的关系。而马丁与社会关系的异化则不仅体现在他离群索居,也体现在他参与社会活动的被动性上。第三章是关于马丁通过与人们和社会重新建立联系,以及在创造性活动中重新发现自己价值来克服异化的途径。其中最为有效的尝试是沉浸在科学研究之中,因为这能将他从他人的期待与压迫中解放出来,从而来推进研究,并为感染鼠疫的人带来希望。马丁也学会通过奉献和关爱他的病人和伴侣,从而从中培养爱。最后,他从超验主义者中吸取经验,并且意识到他能通过住在乡村实现自己的价值,因为他为自己而劳动,并且不再是资本主义经济中的一件商品。通过研究马丁的异化现象,本文揭示了资本主义社会中个人被异化的原因,表现以及克服异化的方法,并尝试为现代社会中经历异化体验的人提供较为可行的应对之策。
  • Sinclair Lewis (1885-1951) is world-famous for being the first American writer to be awarded the Nobel Prize for Literature. Lewis's novels focus on the concerns of a changing generation, but he also uses satire to explore the problems of a ruthless industrial society. When his characters encounter these social and professional problems, he often offers them escapist solutions, such as escaping into nature. Lewis produced many famous works, of which Aerosmith is the one he claims to have devoted his entire life to. Like Lewis, Aerosmith lived at the turn of the 19th and 20th centuries, when the American economy was growing rapidly and material goods were being sold. At that time, the American economy was booming and material life was abundant, but more and more people felt anxiety, fear, loneliness, and uncertainty in the midst of it. The psychological experience of seeing oneself as a stranger and a slave to one's own actions was a manifestation of alienation, and one felt excluded from oneself, others and society. This phenomenon cannot be ignored. According to Fromm's theory of alienation, this psychological phenomenon is a form of alienation. In Aerosmith, this state of personal alienation is exquisitely embodied by the protagonist Martin Aerosmith. Martin's preoccupation with pure science and his desire to connect with people disappears as the rapidly growing capitalist economy turns everyone into a commodity that can be measured and bought and sold with money. For a number of reasons, Martin was trapped in a situation of alienation from himself, from others and from society. Erich Fromm, in his theory of alienation, states that individual alienation can be overcome if appropriate measures are taken. The causes of Martin's alienation, its manifestations and his attempts to overcome it will be discussed in three parts. The first chapter will focus on the causes of Martin's alienation. The roots of Martin's alienation lie in the commodification of the capitalist economy and his disconnection from others and society. First, the market principle of the capitalist economy greatly undermines Martin's personal ability and confidence in his ability to save lives. Secondly, the contradiction between the transience of human life and its potential led to his alienation. Because human life is finite, and the level of medical care available at that time in history was limited, Martin was unable to realize his full potential to heal the sick or save the lives of his loved ones. Under these circumstances, Martin never gave up confronting this contradiction, but his continued failure led him to a state of frustration and alienation. Thirdly, human psychology and personality are the subjective causes of Martin's alienation. Living in a society where money is the most important thing, it is inevitable that a simple and kind-hearted person like Martin, who believes in the existence of pure science, will not be isolated and alienated. Whether as a medical student, a surgeon or a scientist, he is constantly feeling different, isolated and anxious.– The second chapter develops Martin's manifestations of alienation around his social relationships, focusing on his relationships with himself, others and society. This thesis refers to his alienation in relation to himself in the form of his selling of his own personality and his constant idolatry of others. Martin's alienation from others is manifested in his relationships with those closest to him, which are essentially relationships of material gain. Martin's alienation from social relations is reflected not only in his isolation, but also in his passivity in social activities.– The third chapter deals with the ways in which Martin overcomes alienation by reconnecting with people and society and rediscovering his value in creative activity. One of the most effective attempts was to immerse himself in scientific research, as this freed him from the expectations and oppression of others, thus advancing research and giving hope to those affected by the plague. Martin also learned to cultivate love by giving and caring for his patients and companions. Finally, he learns from the Transcendentalists and realizes that he can realize his worth by living in the countryside, because he works for himself and is no longer a commodity in the capitalist economy. Through the study of Martin's alienation, this paper reveals the causes and manifestations of individual alienation in capitalist society, as well as ways to overcome it, and attempts to provide a more viable response for those who experience alienation in modern society. [Automatic translation.]

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Author:Yalin Liu
Document Type:Dissertations
Year of first Publication:2020
Release Date:2022/05/04
Format:no download and copy possible
Writings about Erich Fromm (Secondary Literature):Dissertations / Dissertationen
Erich Fromm's Library and Erich Fromm Archive:Dissertations / Dissertationen
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