The Accepted Study of Fromm Thought in the Chinese Literature Circles [弗洛姆思想中国文学界接受研究], Master thesis, Arts, Liaoning University, Shenyang, Liaoning, China 2017 [application of Fromm's thories to art].

  • 埃利希•弗洛姆(Erich Fromm,1890~1980)是>新弗洛伊德主义<的创始人,是法兰克福学派的代表人和具有世界性影响的精神分析学家、心理学家、社会学家、伦理学家等,其思想非常多元,横跨领域宽广,在西方一直受到很大的肯定与赞誉。从上世纪60年代起,弗洛姆及其思想从西方逐渐涌入中国,在这半个多世纪中,激起了两次弗洛姆的热潮,为中国文学界带来了重要的影响。纵观弗洛姆涌入中国的时间长河,时而波涛汹涌,时而暗流攒动,其思想和著作在中国文学界的发展可谓一波三折。本文从以下五个层面依次展开论述:第一章论述了弗洛姆的核心思想以及其在中国文学界的接受语境。第一节从弗洛姆在中国译介出版的几部最受欢迎的著作入手,试着总结和概括出传播到中国的弗洛姆思想的核心内容。第二节则着重梳理弗洛姆的思想在中国的接受语境。一种外来的思想理论的传入,必定要适应当下的时代和学术语境,从上世纪60年代至今,中国文学界的时代与学术语境发生了深刻的变化,弗洛姆思想的传播和接受状况与这些语境息息相关。第二章论述了弗洛姆思想在中国文学界传播与接受的走向。第一节论述弗洛姆在中国文学界传播的开端,弗洛姆在20世纪60年代首次传入,并被批判为修正主义的人道主义。第二部分是传播的转折期,主要时间分期是20世纪70年代末至80年代,一场>关于人道主义和异化问题<的大讨论让弗洛姆再次被认可,中国文学界对弗洛姆的大量著作进行集中的译介和出版。第三部分论述弗洛姆在中国传播的低谷期。在90年代,国人对于西方文论的狂热渐渐冷却,对弗洛姆的研究也处于相对停滞期。第四部分是传播的兴盛期,主要时间段是21世纪初至今。在这个时间段内,弗洛姆的大部分著作已传入中国并日趋成熟,各种著作的版本也不断翻新,这也进一步促进了弗洛姆思想在中国文学界以及国民大众中传播与接受。第三章主要论述了中国文学界对弗洛姆思想的接受状况。笔者选取了中国文学界中一百篇谈及弗洛姆的核心期刊论文,根据接受的弗洛姆思想,将这种接受按内容分为五个部分:人本主义精神分析批评的中国文学界接受、社会批判理论的中国文学界接受、>人<的问题思想的中国文学界接受、>爱<的问题思想的中国文学界接受、其他理论的中国文学界接受。笔者整理一百篇核心期刊论文在每一部分的数量,并简要分析了这些论文分别从不同的角度接受的弗洛姆思想,最后总结出每一部分的特点。第四章论述了弗洛姆思想中国接受的本土化特点。第一节简要地分析了中国文学界对弗洛姆思想的中国接受的因素。首先是意识形态的影响,其次有学界理论应用的因素,最后是受众心理的需要。这三个因素共同对弗洛姆思想在中国文学界的传播和接受产生重要影响。第二节笔者反思了中国文学界对弗洛姆思想的接受,笔者认为,接受者作为主体,应该更加自觉地接受弗洛姆,而不是被动地为我所用,其次,接受者也要有自己的批判维度,对弗洛姆进行审视之后加之自己的判断。在结束语中,笔者还提出了几点看到的问题,希望对中国文学界进一步接受和研究弗洛姆思想有所帮助
  • Erich Fromm (1990-280) is the founder of >New Freudianism<, representative of the Frankfurt School and a psychoanalyst, psychologist, sociologist, ethicist etc. His ideas are very diverse, wide across the field, which has been a great affirmation and praise in the West. From the 1960s, Fromm and his thoughts from the west gradually swarm into China. In this half a century, his thoughts provoked two waves and has brought important influence to the Chinese literary community. Throughout the period of the introduction of Fromm in China, it is sometimes raining and sometimes undercurrent. His ideas and writings in the development of Chinese literature can be described as twists and turns. This paper starts from the following five aspects: The first chapter discusses the core idea of Fromm and its acceptance context in Chinese literary circles.– The first section begins with the most popular works published by Fromm in Chinese translation and tries to summarize the core content of the Fromm thought spread to China.– The second section focuses on the thought in China’s acceptance context. The introduction of a foreign thought theory must be adapted to the present era and academic context. From the 1960s to the present, the era and academic context of the Chinese literary circles have undergone profound changes. Acceptance is relevant to these contexts. The second chapter discusses the direction of the spread and acceptance of Fromm thought in Chinese literary circles.– The first section deals with the beginning of the spread of Fromm in the Chinese literary world. The first time in the 1960s, Fromm was criticized as revisionist humanitarianism. – The second part is the transition period. The second part is the transition period. In the late of 1970s to the 1980s, a big discussion named >the issue of humanitarian and alienation< allow Fromm again recognized. Chinese literary circles focus on the translation and publication of a large number of works by Fromm.– The third part deals with the low trough of the spread of Fromm in China. In the 1990s, the frenzy of Western literary theory gradually cooled, and the study of Fromm was also in a relatively stagnant period. The fourth part is the spread of the prosperous period; the time is the beginning of the 21th century so far. Throughout this period, most of the works of Fromm have been introduced into China and matured, and the versions of works have been refurbished, which has further promoted the spread and acceptance of Fromm in Chinese literary circles and the national public. The third chapter mainly discusses the acceptance of Fromm thought in Chinese literary circles. The author chooses one hundred of the Chinese literary circles to talk about Fromm core journals, according to the accepted Fromm thought content, this acceptance is divided into five parts by content: humanistic psychoanalysis and criticism accepted by the Chinese literary circles, the theory of social criticism accepted by the Chinese literary circles, the >people< problem accepted by the Chinese literary circles, the >love< problem accepted by the Chinese literary circles and other theories accepted by the Chinese literary circles. The author summarizes the number of core journals in each part of each hundred papers, and briefly analyzes the essay respectively from different angles to accept the Fromm thought, and finally summed up the characteristics of each part. The fourth chapter discusses the localized characteristics of Fromm thought.– The first section briefly analyzes the factors that China’s literary circles accept in China. The first is the influence of ideology, followed by the application of academic theory factors, and finally the needs of the audience psychological. These three factors together have a significant influence on the spread and acceptance of Fromm thought in Chinese literary circles.– In the second section, the author reverts the acceptance of the Chinese literary circles to the Fromm thought. The author thinks that the recipient should be more consciously accepting Fromm, rather than passively for me. Secondly, the recipients should have their own critical dimension of the study after the addition of their own judgments.– In the concluding remarks, the author also made a few points to see the problem, hoping to further accept and study the Chinese literary community to help the study of the history of Fromm. [Author’s translation]

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Author:Kunyao Du
Document Type:Dissertations
Year of first Publication:2017
Release Date:2019/03/04
Format:no download and copy possible
Writings about Erich Fromm (Secondary Literature):Dissertations / Dissertationen
Erich Fromm's Library and Erich Fromm Archive:Dissertations / Dissertationen
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