A Study of Fromm's Theory of Freedom 弗洛姆自由理论研究, Master thesis, Foreign Philosophy, Shandong Normal University, Jinan, Shandong, China 2016.

  • 自由,从古至今就是人们所关心的最重要的问题之一。自由是什么,人是不是自由的,自由如何实现。这些问题都是历来思想家和哲学家们所要回答的最重要的问题。而对于这些问题,不同的哲学家和哲学流派又有不同的看法。弗洛姆作为二十世纪著名的思想家、哲学家,是一名关心社会现实,积极参与和促进社会变革的学者。在弗洛姆看来,自由是人类一切活动的最高的目的和追求。在自由理论方面,弗洛姆通过对马克思异化理论和弗洛伊德精神分析理论的融合,揭示了人类追求、渴望自由但又逃避、恐惧自由的心理原因,探究了逃避自由的心理机制。弗洛姆从现代人的社会心理和人格结构入手,对现代人所面临的逃避自由的困境进行了细致深刻的分析和考察,并且想要通过这些分析来找到消除现代社会弊病的方法和途径。在今天的中国,由于社会经济的迅速发展,我们也面临弗洛姆所说的逃避自由的心理困境。本文希望通过对弗洛姆自由理论进行分析,为我们提供一些有益的参考意见。本文共五个部分。第一部分介绍弗洛姆自由理论形成的背景。首先,弗洛姆自由理论的产生有着深刻的社会历史背景。二十世纪集权主义,特别是纳粹主义的兴起,对弗洛姆自由理论的形成产生了极大的影响。人们对纳粹和集权主义的狂热追随和崇拜让弗洛姆对人和自由的关系产生了深刻的思考。在弗洛姆看来,逃避自由的社会心理是纳粹和集权主义产生的土壤。其次,弗洛姆自由理论的形成也有着深厚的思想渊源。弗洛姆一方面接受了弗洛伊德的潜意识理论和心理因素影响社会现象的观点。另一方面又接受和发展了马克思的社会批判理论,特别是其中的异化理论。弗洛姆出生和成长在一个犹太基督宗教传统深厚的家庭,从小的耳濡目染使得犹太基督宗教对弗洛姆产生了重要的影响。第二部分介绍弗洛姆的自由概念。首先阐述弗洛姆自由的含义。在弗洛姆看来,自由是人与生俱来的属性。不同于传统理论抽象地讨论自由,弗洛姆以具体的生活在一定社会现实中的人为对象讨论自由,从而把>自由<和>历史中的人<连接在了一起。其次阐述自由是人的本质。自由的产生包含了自然状态,始发纽带和独立个体三个阶段。在自然状态中,人与自然是一体的。在始发纽带中,人是以民族、城邦和国家的整体形式而存在的。现代人是自由的个体,是个性化的,独立的人。第三部分介绍弗洛姆的逃避自由机制。为了摆脱孤独感,现代人急切地想要始发纽带和自然状态中去,这使得现代人产生了逃避自由的心理机制。权威主义人格是逃避自由机制的核心,而权威主义人格的人在情感和世界观上是一种施虐—受虐倾向。在弗洛姆看来,人性虽然可以随环境和历史发生变化,但人性能承受的变化是有限度的。权威主义人格对于人性的扭曲和压抑使得人丧失了应有的情感、态度和世界观而扭曲成了变态的人。第四部分介绍弗洛姆关于健全社会的构想。为了解决现代人逃避自由的困境,弗洛姆提出了要彻底变革权威主义社会,建立健全的社会来帮助人成为自由的人。健全的社会是人道主义的社会,个体化力量的正常发展是其首要的目的。为此,必须对现存的权威主义社会进行全面的变革。在健全社会中人与人相处的根本性原则是爱。在爱的原则下,个体能够在保证正常发展自身个性的前提下与他人和外界建立起融洽良好的关系。第五部分是对于弗洛姆自由理论的评析。弗洛姆自由理论具有独特的理论意义和现实意义。在理论上弗洛姆的自由理论给予了我们看待自由问题的新视角。弗洛姆继承和发展了弗洛伊德的精神分析方法和马克思的社会批判理论,并且将二者进行了创造性的结合,形成了他独具特色的自由理论。当前,我国社会正处于工业化发展的关键时期,我们所面对的许多问题正是弗洛姆自由理论所要解决的。所以弗洛姆的自由理论对于我们看待和解决当代社会问题和建设美好和谐社会具有重要的参考价值。当然,弗洛姆的自由理论也存在一些值得商榷的不足之处。
  • Freedom is one of the most important issues that people concerned since ancient times. What is freedom, man is not free, how to achieve freedom. These questions are the most important questions that have been answered by philosophers and thinkers. And for these problems, different philosophers and philosophical schools have different views. Fromm, as a famous thinker and philosopher in twentieth Century, was a scholar who cared about the social reality, actively participated in and promoted the reform of the society. In Fromm’s opinion, freedom is the highest aim and pursuit of all human activities. In the theory of freedom, Fromm by integration of theory of Marx’s theory of alienation and Freud’s psychological analysis, reveals the human pursuit and longing for freedom but escape, the psychological cause of the fear of freedom, explores the escape the psychological mechanism of freedom. Fromm from modern social psychological and personality structure of which faces to the modern people to escape the dilemma of freedom for careful and deep analysis and study, and want to through the analysis to find the elimination of the ills of modern society and the ways. In today’s China, due to the rapid development of social economy, we also face the psychological dilemma of Fromm’s escape from freedom. This paper hopes to provide some useful references for the analysis of Fromm’s theory of freedom. This paper consists of five parts. The first part introduces the background of the formation of Fromm’s theory of freedom. First of all, Fromm’s theory of freedom has a profound social and historical background. The twentieth century totalitarianism, especially the rise of Nazism, had a great influence in the formation of Fromm’s theory of freedom. People’s fanatical following and worship of the Nazi and the centralization of power gave Fromm a deep thought on the relationship between man and freedom. In Fromm’s view, the social psychology of escaping from freedom is the soil of Nazi and totalitarian. Secondly, the formation of Fromm’s theory of freedom also has a profound ideological origin. On the one hand, Fromm accepted Freud’s theory of subconscious mind and the influence of psychological factors on social phenomenon. On the other hand, he accepted and developed Marx’s theory of social criticism, especially the alienation theory. Fromm was born and raised in a Judeo Christian religious tradition of family, childhood influenced by Judeo Christian religion that has produced important influence on Fromm.– The second part introduces Fromm’s concept of freedom. Firstly, explain the meaning of Fromm’s freedom. In Fromm’s opinion, freedom is the inherent attribute of man. Different from the traditional theory to discuss freedom, Fromm to specific life in a certain social reality of human objects to discuss freedom, thus the >freedom< and >history of the people< connected together. Secondly, freedom is the essence of human. The generation of freedom includes three stages: the natural state, the initial bond and the independent individual. In the natural state, man and nature are one. In the origin of the link, people are in the nation, the city and the country as a whole, and the existence of. Modern man is a free individual; it is a personal, independent person.– The third part introduces Fromm’s escape from freedom mechanism. In order to get rid of the feeling of loneliness, the modern people are eager to make the link and the natural state, which makes the modern people have the psychological mechanism of escaping from freedom. Authoritarian personality, escape from freedom mechanism of core, and in emotion and the world view of authoritarian personality is a kind of sadism, masochism. In Fromm view, although human nature can change with the environment and history, but the changes in human performance is limited. The distortion and repression of human nature by authoritarian personality makes people lose their due affection, attitude and outlook on the world.– The fourth part introduces the idea of Fromm’s perfect society. In order to solve the dilemma of modern people to escape from freedom, Fromm put forward to completely change the authority of the society, the establishment of a sound society to help people become free people. Sound society is a humanitarian society, the normal development of individual power is its primary purpose. To this end, we must carry out a comprehensive reform of the existing authoritarian society. The fundamental principle that people get along with in the perfect society is love. Under the principle of love, the individual can establish a harmonious relationship with others and the outside world under the premise of ensuring the normal development of their own personality.– The fifth part is the analysis of Fromm’s theory of freedom. Fromm’s theory of freedom has its unique theoretical and practical significance. In theory, Fromm’s theory of freedom gives us a new perspective on the problem of freedom. Fromm inherited and developed Freud’s psychoanalysis and Marx’s theory of social criticism, and the combination of the two creative, formed his unique theory of freedom. At present, our country is in the key period of the development of industrialization, many of the problems we are facing is to be solved by Fromm’s theory of freedom. So Fromm’s freedom theory has important reference value for us to treat and solve the contemporary social problems and to build a harmonious society. Of course, there are some deficiencies in Fromm’s theory of freedom. [Author’s translation]

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Author:Zuolei Xin
Document Type:Dissertations
Year of first Publication:2016
Release Date:2017/11/20
Format:no download and copy possible
Writings about Erich Fromm (Secondary Literature):Dissertations / Dissertationen
Erich Fromm's Library and Erich Fromm Archive:Dissertations / Dissertationen
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