Streben nach Freiheit – Zum Freiheitsbegriff in Herta Müllers >Reisende auf einem Bein< [追求自由—赫塔.米勒小说《独脚旅行的人》中的自由概念], Master thesis, Foreign Linguistics and Applied Linguistics, Southwest Jiaotong University, Chengdu, Sichuan, China 2013. [application of Fromm's theories to art]

  • 德国小说家、散文家、诗人赫塔.米勒是2009年的诺贝尔文学奖获得者,诺奖的颁奖词中如此评价她的作品:>兼具诗歌的凝练与散文的率直,描绘了一无所有、无所寄托者的境况<。在米勒的作品中虽然处处透露出作家的个人经验,或是特定社会条件下的人的生存状态,但却显现出人类共有的普遍困境。无论是法西斯、罗马尼亚集权政府、整个东欧阵营的专制统治、对个体自由的限制,还是西德民主国家中资本主义异化社会对个性的压抑,都体现出作家对理想主义的>个体自由<的疑惑和追求。论文分析的主要文本是作家1989年出版的中篇小说《独腿旅行的人》,写于她移居德国的前期,也是唯一一本主要描述其在德国生活的小说,因此对研究米勒作品中的>个体自由<概念有特殊的价值。论文试图从心理学角度,运用德国社会心理学家埃里希•弗罗姆的>消极自由<->积极自由<理论,分析米勒这部小说中处于不同社会环境却共同面临个体不自由的人物的心理状态、形成这种不自由的心理机制以及他们对积极自由的追寻而不得。论文首先简要介绍赫塔.米勒的生平与作品,然后综述论文运用的理论根据。论文主体分为两部分:第一部分以小说主人公在罗马尼亚的生活为背景,阐述在集权社会制度下家庭、社区以及整个社会环境对人的自由的压迫,人在此种环境中产生的权威主义的自由逃避机制。第二部分以主人公移民西德后的境遇为背景,以匿名权威为重点阐释民主社会中仍然存在的各种不自由;主人公在自由幻灭后,在与客体和主体关系中的双重异化以及孤独和自由的两难处境,进一步补充说明了个体自由作为人类普遍困境的艰难和珍贵。论文还阐释了主人公企图通过人与人之间的亲密关系、通过反抗权威、反抗趋同来获得积极自由的尝试。米勒得奖的2009年正值柏林墙倒塌20周年。柏林墙可以推到,但是在精神世界中那堵禁锢自由的墙依然存在。所以她不断揭开这块伤疤,不断描写那些梦魇般的记忆,这种对人类自由困境的探讨和对尚未实现之物的不断追求,正是作家对>个体自由<乌托邦式的追求。而弗洛姆认为要实现真正的个体自由,爱是最终的解救途径,这也是一种终极理想。然而正是人类想要逾越这种永恒的困境与孤独以及渴望超越自我的精神,成为人类文明发展的动力,也是人之所以为人的价值所在
  • German novelist, essayist, poet Herta Müller is the 2009 winner of the Nobel Prize for Literature, the Nobel award term evaluation of her work in this: >Both poetry and prose concise straightforward, depicting nothing, rootless's situation<. Though Müller's works everywhere reveals the writer's personal experience, or under certain social conditions of people's living condition, but showing a total of universal human predicament. Whether it is a fascist, totalitarian government of Romania, the entire Eastern Bloc's authoritarian rule, restrictions on individual freedom, democracy or the West Ger¬man social alienation in capitalist oppression of personality, all reflect the writer of idealism >individual freedom< doubts and pursuit. The main text of the paper is to analyze the novella >Traveling on One Leg< writers published in 1989, wrote that she moved to Germany in the early stage, but also the only one in Germany, describes his life in the novel, and therefore the study of Müller’s works the >individual freedom< concept has special value. From a psychological point of trying to paper, the use of the German social psychologist Erich Fromm's >negative liberty< – >positive liberty< theory, Müller, the novel in a different social environment facing individuals but not free psychological states of the characters, not the freedom of the formation of such psychological mechanisms and their quest for freedom and not active. - Firstly, brief introduction Herta Müller's life and works, and then apply the theoretical basis of review papers. Main thesis is divided into two parts: the first part with the protagonist lives in Romania as the background to explain authoritarian oppression of human freedom families, communities and society as a whole environment, resulting in people under totalitarian social system in this environment freedom escape mechanism. – The second part to the situation of migrants in West Germany after the hero as the background to focus on the anonymous authoritative interpretation of a democratic society there are still a variety of non-free; hero in the freedom of disillusionment, the relationship between objects and subjects in the double alienation and loneliness and freedom dilemma, further added that the plight of individual freedom as a universal human hardship and precious.– The paper also explains the attempt by the hero intimate rela¬tionship between people, through rebellion against authority, against convergence to achieve positive liberty attempt. Miller winning the 2009 20th anniversary of the fall of the Berlin Wall comes. Berlin Wall can be pushed to, but in the spiritual world that imprison freedom blocking wall still exist. So she con¬tinued to uncover this scar, constantly describing those nightmarish memories, explore and have not yet realized this thing constant pursuit of freedom of the human predicament, it is the writer of >individual freedom< utopian pursuit.– And Fromm believes to be true individual freedom, love is the ultimate way to save, and this is an ultimate ideal. Yet it is you want to go beyond this eternal human predicament and loneliness and longing spirit beyond self, become a driving force in the development of human civilization, but also the reason why people human value. [automatic translation]

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Author:Ji Zhang
Document Type:Dissertations
Year of first Publication:2013
Release Date:2015/12/14
Format:no copy existent / keine Kopie vorhanden
Writings about Erich Fromm (Secondary Literature):Dissertations / Dissertationen
Erich Fromm's Library and Erich Fromm Archive:Dissertations / Dissertationen
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