From >Sick Man< to >Sane Man< – Fromm’s Critical Social Theory [从>病态的人<到>健全的人< – 弗洛姆社会批判理论研究], Master thesis, World History, Xiangtan University, Xiangtan, Hunan, China 2013.

  • [本文以20世纪的两次世界大战、1929年经济危机以及>冷战<等重大历史事件作为历史背景,以弗洛姆的社会批判理论为视角,探讨了弗洛姆就如何把一个病态的人构建成一个健全的人的理论。全文内容可以分为五个部分。第一部分是导论部分,这部分简述了选题的缘起、国内外的研究现状、论文所采用的研究方法和创新之处以及论文的主体内容。第二部分主要介绍了当时的历史背景与弗洛姆的生平及思想形成过程,分为两节。第一节主要论述了20世纪西方人类的生存状况,科学技术的飞速发展给人类带来了前所未有的变化,它不仅给人类带来了巨大的便利,而且也产生很大的负面影响。在短短的一百多年的时间里,人类所取得的成就远超以前的总和,人类的物质文明和精神文明得到了前所未有的发展,但是,两次世界大战、经济危机以及人的不断的被物化,人类陷入了巨大的生存危机,这引起了西方学者反思。第二节主要是以弗洛姆从德国到美国再到瑞士的居住地变化为线索,探讨了弗洛姆的生活经历和学术探索过程,也是弗洛姆思想形成和发展的过程。第三部分和第四部分探讨弗洛姆社会批判理论的主要内容。其中,第三部分论述了弗洛姆关于一个健全的人如何逐渐沦为一个病态的人,共包括三节。第一节主要阐述了弗洛姆对人性的解读;第二节主要讲述了弗洛姆关于健全的人的定义及内涵;第三节主要论述了现代人逐渐沦为一个病态人的主要原因:社会过滤器、权威的束缚、自由的逃避和自我的丧失。第四部分则主要论述了弗洛姆就如何构建一个自由健全的人提出具体设想,具体分为三节。第一节讲述了自我重塑是建立一个健全的人的前提条件,是人重建自我价值的基础;第二节讲述了通过构建一个健全的社会,为实现一个健全的人创造必要的社会环境;第三节是通过获得自由完全成为一个健全的人,包括实现积极的自由和自我实现的自由——爱的实现。第五部分是余论,简要评价了弗洛姆的社会批判理论对西方社会的影响、存在的局限以及对当代中国的警醒和启示。]
  • This dissertation sets the historical background on the Second World War, the Economical Crisis in 1929 and Cold War, and discusses Fromm’s Social Critique Theory and studies Fromm’s thought on how to shape a sane people. - The whole text contains the five parts below. The preface concisely narrates the reasons of the proposed topic, the research status internally and abroad, the methods and innovations of the research, several basic concepts, and the main contents. Chapter one mainly describes the formation of Fromm’s Social Critique Theory, which divides into two sections. The first discusses the social situation of the human beings in twentieth century. The second describes Fromm’s lifetime, including his life experience and academic study.– Chapter two and the chapter three describes the main contents of Fromm’s Social Critique Theory.– Chapter two mainly discusses one sane people how to become a sick people, which divides into three sections. The first describes Fromm’s understanding of human nature; the second describes Fromm’s definition and essence of sane people; the third describes Fromm’s understanding on sick people and studies the reasons about the sick people, including: social filter, restriction of authority, the freedom of escaping and human’s alienation.– Chapter three describes Fromm’s blueprint on how to shape a free and sane people, which divides into two sections. The first mainly discusses the precondition of shaping a sane people that is the construction by oneself; the second mainly discusses mankind how attain freedom in order to become a sane people, which includes the reconstruction of the sane society, the realization of self and the attainment of love. The peroration briefly states the profound influence and the limits of Fromm’s Social Critique Theory, and its great enlightenment and warning to modern China.

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Author:Longjun Xie
Document Type:Dissertations
Year of first Publication:2013
Release Date:2015/12/14
Format:no copy existent / keine Kopie vorhanden
Writings about Erich Fromm (Secondary Literature):Dissertations / Dissertationen
Erich Fromm's Library and Erich Fromm Archive:Dissertations / Dissertationen
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