A Study on the Theory of Western Marxism Alienation Consumption [西方马克思主义异化消费理论研究], Master thesis, Foreign Marxism Research, Northeast Normal University, Changchun, China 2012.

  • 1929年西方发达资本主义国家爆发的经济危机引发了一个崭新的时代——消费时代,随之而来的一系列问题引起了刚刚兴起的西方马克思主义理论家的关注。三十年代,法兰克福学派理论家的著作中隐约可见相关论述,而西方马克思主义异化消费理论的真正形成在四十年代末,五十年代初。有突出贡献的理论家为法国>日常生活批判理论巨擘<列斐伏尔;致力于将马克思主义与弗洛伊德>精神分析学<相结合的法兰克福学派理论家马尔库塞和弗洛姆。他们认为>消费不再是为了满足人类的基本生存需要,而是人们为补偿自己异化的劳动而致力获得商品的一种欲望满足,并且为统治者所操纵、控制。<他们无疑在资本主义变化发展的新形势下对马克思异化理论的继承与创新做出了巨大贡献,但在克服异化消费的基本路径上全然不同,也不无遗憾地体现出了乌托邦的幻想和理论的悲观主义、主观主义倾向。他们预言:社会主义并非是异化现象的终结。这为迅速发展中的中国敲响了警钟。我们是否要重蹈覆辙,走资本主义发展的老路,陷入异化消费的陷阱?本文予以了否定回答。全文由三部分构成:第一部分主要从词源学角度探源>异化<概念的发展演变过程:从社会契约论中>转让、让渡<之意到黑格尔的精神异化,直至马克思>生产异化<的诞生。第二部分以马克思主义理论为指导,立足西方马克思主义批判传统,探究列斐伏尔、马尔库塞及弗洛姆这三位理论家在同一时代背景下,对异化消费理论基本内容的阐述和对当代发展、影响的异同。在第三部分中对西方马克思主义异化消费的批判传统进行正反两方面的评析,分析当代中国社会主义市场经济中的消费现状,探索构建健康、文明、可持续的消费模式,实现社会主义和谐社会的宏伟目标。
  • The economic crisis in1929 which broke out in the western developed capitalist countries triggered off a new era in the world, Consumption Times. Followed by serious of problems, which aroused concern of the nascent theorists of Western Marxism. We can find some relative discussions about consumption in the works of The Frankfurt School theorists in the1930s, while the formal foundation of alienated con-sumption theory of Western Marxism was in the late1940s and early1950. Among the theorists who had made outstanding contributions, there are the French >critical theory of everyday life giant< Henri Lefebvre, the Frankfurt School theorists Herbert Marcuse and E.Fromm, who committed to the combination of Marxism and Freud >Psychoanalysis<. They believe that >the aim of consumption is no longer to meet human's basic survival needs, but to satisfy their desire for goods, was caused by their own alienation of labor, by committing to acquiring goods; and their aim of consumption is also controlled by the rulers.< Undoubtedly, they had made agreat contribution to the inheritance and innovation of the Marxist theory of alienation under the new capitalist situation. However their totally different paths to overcome the alienation of consumption reflected the utopian fantasy, the pessimism and subjective tendencies of theory. At the same time, they predicted: Socialism is not the end of alienation, which gave an alarm to the rapidly developing China. Are we going to repeat the same mistakes, take the old paths of capitalist development, and cave in the trap of alienated consumption? The answer in this paper would be negative. This paper consists of three parts: Part one dealt with the evolution process of >alienation< concept from the point of view of etymological: From >transfer, assignation< in Social Contract to the spirit of Hegel's alienation until the born of Marx's theory of alienated production.– Part two, taking the theory of Marxism as a guide, based on the critical tradition of Western Marxist, explored the similarities and differences in the interpretations of three contemporary theorists Lefebvre, Marcuse and Fromm of the basic content of the alienated consumption theory and its influence on the contemporary development.– The third part assessed both positive and negative aspects of the critical tradition of Western Marxism alienated consumption, analyzed consumption status in the system of contemporary China's socialist market economy and explored to build a healthy, civilized, sustainable consumption patterns, to realize the grand goal of constructing the socialism harmonious society. [Author’s translation]

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Author:Qiong Wu
Document Type:Dissertations
Year of first Publication:2012
Release Date:2015/12/14
Format:no download and copy possible
Writings about Erich Fromm (Secondary Literature):Dissertations / Dissertationen
Erich Fromm's Library and Erich Fromm Archive:Dissertations / Dissertationen
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