The Alienation of Characters in Donald Barthelme’s >Snow White< [《白雪公主后传》中人物的异化], Master thesis, English Language and Literature, Qufu Normal University, Qufu and Rizhao, Shandong, China 2014. [application of Fromm's theories to art]

  • 唐纳德•巴塞尔姆是20世纪美国著名的后现代主义作家,在其写作生涯中创作大量的小说。他的小说描写许多畸形变态、丧失人格的人物,揭露当代社会问题,笔锋触及当代资本主义社会的核心问题:人的异化。作为巴塞尔姆的代表作,《白雪公主后传》戏仿经典格林童话《白雪公主与七个小矮人》,其中的人物都不同程度发生了异化。这部小说深受读者和文学评论家青睐,前期研究主要从后现代特征、女性主义等角度对其进行分析,但很少有研究分析小说中人物的异化,并探究异化产生的原因。本论文运用美国当代著名精神分析学家、西方马克思主义法兰克福学派重要代表人物埃里希•弗洛姆的相关异化观点,论述巴塞尔姆的小说《白雪公主后传》中人的自我异化,人与人之间的异化以及人与社会的异化,并探索造成小说中人物异化的原因。弗洛姆继承发展弗洛伊德和马克思的相关理论,对当代资本主义社会的异化做了新的诠释。他认为,异化是人们的一种心理体验,是人类发展过程中不可避免的现象,其根源主要在于人存在的两歧性、人的逃避自由心理机制和人的社会性格。本论文共分为六章。第一章简要介绍唐纳德•巴塞尔姆的主要人生经历和《白雪公主后传》的主要内容,并论述本文的研究背景和目的。第二章为文献综述和理论基础。文献综述回顾国内外对《白雪公主后传》的研究和评价。理论基础部分介绍异化概念的发展历程及弗洛姆的有关异化的观点。通过分析发现异化主要体现为人的异化,即人的自我异化,人与人的异化以及人与社会的异化,这与巴塞尔姆在《白雪公主后传》中表现的人物异化一致。第三章通过弗洛姆有关人存在的两歧性的观点主要探讨小说中人物的自我异化,指出人类存在所固有的矛盾是人的自我异化的内在原因。本章主要通过分析白雪公主、保罗、七个矮人的性格特点,得出他们的自我异化是由自身的生存两歧性造成的。通过这一角度的分析论述,有助于深入了解人的自我异化的根源,并为理解人类社会发展过程中人的异化找到了新的突破点。第四章通过弗洛姆有关人在逃避自由时的心理机制的重点分析人物之间的异化,探讨人与人之间异化产生的根源。本章从家庭成员、朋友和其他人物三方面揭露人与人之间的异化。《白雪公主后传》中家庭成员之间的异化主要体现在白雪公主与七个矮人之间缺少相互关爱和信任,朋友之间的异化体现在保罗与七个矮人以及简与白雪公主之间复杂扭曲的友情。人们之间的异化主要是由人在逃避自由时产生的虐待、受虐、破坏和迎合的心理倾向导致的。运用逃避自由的心理机制来分析人物之间的异化,更进一步拓展了探索人类异化根源的方法和依据。第五章从弗洛姆的社会性格概念出发,主要分析人与社会的异化,深入剖析人与社会异化的原因。本章主要通过论述人与社会机构的关系:白雪公主与学校、比尔与法院、总统与国家制度之间的异化,指出社会机构缺乏社会和道德责任感,得出人的社会性格和资本主义制度的社会背景造成了人与社会之间关系的异化。通过对当代资本主义社会性格和社会背景来分析小说中人的社会异化,为全面把握人的异化的原因提供了借鉴,有助于我们更好地了解人类社会发展过程中的问题,预防人类异化的产生,使社会健康发展。第六章是论文的结论部分。首先,总结《白雪公主后传》中的人物的异化及其产生的原因,强调运用弗洛姆的相关理论对该小说进行解读的意义。其次,指出本论文的不足,由于学术水平和资料有限,本研究尚不够系统深入,有待完善。最后,展望今后的研究趋势。
  • Donald Barthelme is a distinguished American postmodernist in the 20thcentury, who creates lots of novels in his whole life. His novels depict a number of abnormal figures who lose personality and reveal contemporary social problems. His mighty pen has touched upon the essential problem of the contemporary capitalist society: human alienation. As Barthelme’s representative work, >Snow White< is a parody of the classical fairy tale of >Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs< by Grimm. Characters in Barthelme’s >Snow White< are alienated in some degree. This novel is highly praised by readers and literary critics, and the former studies, however, mainly analyze it from views of postmodern features, feminism, etc. While, there are few studies on people’s alienation in the novel and the causes behind the alienation. This thesis tends to apply the related views on alienation of Erich Fromm who is a famous American psychoanalyst and an important representative of the Frankfurt School of Western Marxism, discusses the characters’ >self-alienation<, >interpersonal alienation< and >social alienation< in >Snow White<, and probes into the causes of the alienation. Fromm inherits and develops related theory of Freud and Marx, and expounds the alienation in the contemporary capitalist society. He believes that alienation is a mode of psychological experiment, and it is inevitable during the process of human development, and the roots of alienation mainly lie in human nature’s discrepancy, people’s psychological mechanism of escaping from freedom and the social character of people. This thesis is divided into six chapters. - Chapter One chiefly introduces Donald Barthelme’s life experience and the main content of his >Snow White<, and illustrates the background and purpose of the study. Chapter Two is about literature review and theoretical basis. Literature review refers to studies and criticism on >Snow White< at home and abroad. The part of theoretical basis mainly expounds the origin and development of the concept of alienation, and generalizes Fromm’s view on alienation. This chapter points that the alienation is chiefly embodied in human alienation which includes people’s self-alienation, interpersonal alienation and social alienation, and this agrees with the alienation of characters reflected in >Snow White<. - Chapter Three mainly explores self-alienation of the main characters in >Snow White< according to Fromm’s opinion of human nature’s discrepancy, and concludes that human’s inherent contradictions are the internal causes of people’s self-alienation. This chapter mainly analyzes the natures and features of >Snow White, Paul and the Seven Dwarfs< and points that the self-alienation of the characters are leaded to by their discrepancy of existence. Analyzing from this aspect helps make clear the roots of human alienation and discover a new way to understand the human alienation during the process of human development. - Chapter Four mainly analyzes interpersonal alienation among characters based on Fromm’s view on psychological mechanism of escaping from freedom, and explores the causes of the alienation. This chapter discloses the interpersonal alienation among family members, friends and other characters. The alienation in the family is reflected in that there is no mutual care and trust and the alienation among friends is mainly embodied in the complicated and distorted relationship between Paul and Seven Dwarves, Jane and Snow White. Finally, this chapter indicates that the interpersonal alienation is brought about by the psychological tendencies of abuse, abused, destructiveness and automaton conformity. It provides evidence for further exploration of the causes of human alienation by means of the psychological mechanism of escaping from freedom. - Chapter Five principally analyzes the social alienation of the characters from Fromm’s concept of >Social Character< deeply analyze the causes of people’s social alienation. This chapter chiefly illustrates the relationship between characters and social institutions: Snow White and school, Bill and court, and the President and national system, figures out that the social institutions are devoid of social responsibility and sense of morality. And this chapter arrives at that the unproductive social character of people and the social background of capitalist system are the main causes of the alienation. Analyzing people’s social alienation from this aspect offers reference for fully understanding the causes of human alienation, and in the meanwhile, it is beneficial to better understand the development of human society in order to build a sound society. - Chapter Six is conclusion of the thesis. Firstly, it summarizes the alienation of the characters in >Snow White< and the causes of the alienation, stresses the significance of analyzing this novel through Fromm’s related theory. Secondly, this chapter points out that there are limitations of this study because of academic depth and limited materials, this study is not systemic or profound enough and it needs improvement. At last, there are predictions of the trend of further study.

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Author:Qun Gao
Document Type:Dissertations
Year of first Publication:2014
Release Date:2015/12/14
Format:no copy existent / keine Kopie vorhanden
Writings about Erich Fromm (Secondary Literature):Dissertations / Dissertationen
Erich Fromm's Library and Erich Fromm Archive:Dissertations / Dissertationen
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