Research on the Ethics of Love of Erich Fromm [弗洛姆爱的伦理思想研究], Master thesis, Ethics, Shenyang Normal University, Shenyang, Liaoning, China 2012.

  • 作为西方著名的哲学家、社会学家、心理学家的弗洛姆以其自身真实生活和经历为出发点和原动力,运用精微的观察力和深刻的思辨力致力于对人的爱的研究,更确切地说他的思想最终是希望人们获得幸福。现代社会中人们收获于科技飞速发展和物质日益富足的成功感,而渐渐忽视了对人的精神世界的关心和爱护,人的这种失衡的发展和追求并不是通往真正幸福的道路。弗洛姆爱的伦理思想则赋予了幸福更深层的含义,更是赋予了人更高的权利,真正的幸福是个体可以通过自身主动的努力和实践而获得的,即真正的幸福是从爱开始的。弗洛姆爱的伦理思想源于对生活在一定历史时期人的全面发展进行思索与探究,经历了两次世界大战的洗礼以及饱受资本主义经济兴衰的摧残,人们的身心和发展受到重创并导致人的生存问题的出现,弗洛姆揭示这是由于人们对爱的缺失造成的,爱的缺失不仅影响人自身的发展还制约了人与社会的和谐相融。那么,要解决现实的问题,强大的理论支撑是必不可少的,本文通过对弗洛伊德的精神分析理论、马克思的社会分析理论以及宗教的信仰之爱的剖析,揭示弗洛姆爱的伦理思想的理论渊源。在此基础上对弗洛姆的经典著作进行爱的思想的梳理和阐述,论述了弗洛姆爱的思想的核心内容,即爱的理论、爱的行动与意志、爱的评析三部分,爱的理论是指导实践的核心。对于爱的实践,弗洛姆强调除了身体力行去实践外没有更好的办法,爱的意志与行动是实现爱的有效途径,每个人都是独一无二的个体,也应具有各自不同的实践爱的方式,但爱的最终目的却都是促其发展。语言轻松而又易于被人接受是弗洛姆爱的伦理思想特色之一,不仅如此,缜密的思维与清晰的逻辑及巧妙地将弗洛伊德与马克思的思想理论结合,这些都是弗洛姆爱的伦理思想的特色。任何一个理论都有其不完善的地方,弗洛姆爱的思想亦是如此,应客观理性地看待弗洛姆爱的伦理思想的局限性,做到去其糟博取其精华。通过对现代人情感现状中爱的分析,揭示现代人爱的问题,并以此引起现代人对自身爱的反思。反思的目的是为了发现问题和解决问题,通过对弗洛姆爱的伦理思想的研究,力图为指导现代人认识爱、实践爱提供有效途径,鼓励个体自身通过理论与实践的学习和研究获得爱、创造爱,并以此丰富现代人的精神家园——爱的建设,最终实现人与人、人与社会的和谐相融。弗洛姆爱的伦理思想展现了一个淳朴而又富有深刻意义的爱的体系,它充分肯定了人的主动性,宣扬了爱的生命意义,改变了以往人们对爱的理解,赋予人们一次爱的革命。
  • As a famous philosopher, sociologist and psychiatrist, Erich Fromm devoted his life to the research on human beings, or more accurately, on how to achieve happiness. In modern society, human beings are satisfied with the fast development of science, technology and growing abundance in material things. However, human beings have neglected their spiritual world. This imbalance will not lead to real happiness. The ethic of love in Fromm embodies deeper meaning in happiness and even higher right for personal development. Happiness, according to Fromm, can be achieved through personal endeavor and practice. It goes without saying that real happiness originates from love. This paper will have a summary of Fromm’s ethics theory after a thorough reading and understanding of his relevant books.– We will attach more importance on deeper understanding of his books on related topics and hope to use this as the theoretical basis for this paper. Fromm’s ethics of love includes the theory and the practice of love. The former serves as the kernel in guiding the practice of love which constitutes the connotation, elements, and object of love. The systematic and objective analysis will enrich and accumulate our knowledge of love, but also direct us to our inner feelings. For the practice of love, Fromm believes the best way is to practice in person. Everyone is unique, and thus has his unique way to practice love. The purpose of love is the same – boosting its development. There are all kinds of love in our life, such as love from parents, lovers or even our selves. The origin of Fromm’s ethics on love must stem from his real life experience. Therefore, this paper aims to unfold a real Fromm and show a record of his emotional life which will provoke our reflections. Meanwhile, Fromm’s ideological system provides not only the theoretical basis for love but also an effective way to practice love. Fromm’s love ethics is a good remedy for reconstructing our spiritual world. In this world, love will help us stay away from loneliness and deception and contribute to establish a harmonious and complete entity.

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Author:Dandan Wang
Document Type:Dissertations
Year of first Publication:2012
Release Date:2014/01/28
Format:no copy existent / keine Kopie vorhanden
Writings about Erich Fromm (Secondary Literature):Dissertations / Dissertationen
Erich Fromm's Library and Erich Fromm Archive:Dissertations / Dissertationen
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