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- ZIB-Report (13)
- Article (8)
- In Proceedings (6)
- Report (2)
- Book chapter (1)
- Doctoral Thesis (1)
- In Collection (1)
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Is part of the Bibliography
- no (33)
- UMTS (4)
- Cellular Radio Telephone Systems (1)
- Frequency Assignment Problem (1)
- Frequenzplanung (1)
- GSM-Funknetze (1)
- IST-20 (1)
- Integer Programming (1)
- Minimum-Cost Flow Problems (1)
- Mobilfunk (1)
Energy storages can be of great value when added to power grids. They introduce the possibility to store and release energy whenever this is favorable. This is particularly relevant, for example, if power supply is volatile (as is the case with renewable energy) and the network is small (so that there are few other nodes that might balance fluctuations in consumption or production). We present models and methods from mathematical optimization for computing an optimized storage schedule for this purpose. We look at alternative optimization objectives, such as smallest possible peak load, low energy costs, or the close approximation of a prescribed load curve. The optimization needs to respect general operational and economic constraints as well as limitations in the use of storage, which are imposed by the chosen storage technology. We therefore introduce alternative approaches for modeling the non-linear properties of energy storages and study their impact on the efficiency of the optimization process. Finally, we present a computational study with batteries as storage devices. We use this to highlight the trade-off between solution quality and computational tractability. A version of the model for the purpose of leveling peaks and instabilities has been implemented into a control system for an office-building smart grid scenario.
Energy storages can be of great value when added to power grids. They introduce the possibility to store and release energy whenever this is favorable. This is particularly relevant, for example, if power supply is volatile (as is the case with renewable energy) and the network is small (so that there are few other nodes that might balance fluctuations in consumption or production). We present models and methods from mathematical optimization for computing an optimized storage schedule for this purpose. We look at alternative optimization objectives, such as smallest possible peak load, low energy costs, or the close approximation of a prescribed load curve. The optimization needs to respect general operational and economic constraints as well as limitations in the use of storage, which are imposed by the chosen storage technology. We therefore introduce alternative approaches for modeling the non-linear properties of energy storages and study their impact on the efficiency of the optimization process. Finally, we present a computational study with batteries as storage devices. We use this to highlight the trade-off between solution quality and computational tractability. A version of the model for the purpose of leveling peaks and instabilities has been implemented into a control system for an office-building smart grid scenario.
This paper surveys frequency assignment problems coming up in planning wireless communication services. It particularly focuses on cellular mobile phone systems such as GSM, a technology that revolutionizes communication. Traditional vertex coloring provides a conceptual framework for the mathematical modeling of many frequency planning problems. This basic form, however, needs various extensions to cover technical and organizational side constraints. Among these ramifications are $T$-coloring and list coloring. To model all the subtleties, the techniques of integer programming have proven to be very useful. The ability to produce good frequency plans in practice is essential for the quality of mobile phone networks. The present algorithmic solution methods employ variants of some of the traditional coloring heuristics as well as more sophisticated machinery from mathematical programming. This paper will also address this issue. Finally, this paper discusses several practical frequency assignment problems in detail, states the associated mathematical models, and also points to public electronic libraries of frequency assignment problems from practice. The associated graphs have up to several thousand nodes and range from rather sparse to almost complete.
Mobile telecommunication systems establish a large number of communication links with a limited number of available frequencies; reuse of the same or adjacent frequencies on neighboring links causes interference. The task to find an assignment of frequencies to channels with minimal interference is the frequency assignment problem. The frequency assignment problem is usually treated as a graph coloring problem where the number of colors is minimized, but this approach does not model interference minimization correctly. We give in this paper a new integer programming formulation of the frequency assignment problem, the orientation model, and develop a heuristic two-stage method to solve it. The algorithm iteratively solves an outer and an inner optimization problem. The outer problem decides for each pair of communication links which link gets the higher frequency and leads to an acyclic subdigraph problem with additional longest path restrictions. The inner problem to find an optimal assignment respecting an orientation leads to a min-cost flow problem.
Frequenzplanung im Mobilfunk
Telekommunikation ist seit Jahren \glqq in\grqq. Zunächst gab es einen enormen Aufschwung; neue Technologien und Dienste haben eine überwältigende, nicht vorhersehbare Akzeptanz gefunden. Derzeit ist -- ausgelöst durch die UMTS-Lizenzversteigerungen, Rezessions- und Sättigungstendenzen -- eine Krise zu verzeichnen. Viele (auch wir) sind davon überzeugt, dass technischer Fortschritt und nützliche Dienste demnächst die Stimmung wieder ändern werden. Wenigen ist allerdings bewusst, welche Rolle Mathematik bei der Entwicklung und dem effizienten Einsatz vieler der neuen Kommunikationstechnologien spielt. In diesem Artikel soll kein Überblick über diesen umfangreichen Themenkreis gegeben werden. Wir zeigen lediglich an einem konkreten Beispiel aus dem Mobilfunk, der Frequenzplanung in GSM-Funknetzen, was man durch geeignete Modellierung der praktischen Fragestellung und den Einsatz problemadäquater Algorithmen erreichen kann.
A model for the optimisation of the location and configuration of base stations in a UMTS network is described. The focus is primarily on modelling the configuration problem sufficiently accurate using mixed-integer variables and (essentially) linear constraints. These constraints reflect the limited downlink code capacity in each cell, the interference limitations for successful up- and downlink transmissions, the need for sufficiently strong (cell) pilot signals, and the potential gain for mobiles from being in soft(er) hand-over. It is also explained how to use the model as a basis for rating network configurations.
Signaling is crucial to the operation of modern telecommunication networks. A breakdown in the signaling infrastructure typically causes customer service failures, incurs revenue losses, and hampers the company image. Therefore, the signaling network has to be highest reliability and survivability. This in particular holds for the routers in such a network, called \textit{signaling transfer points\/} (STPs). The robustness of an STP can be improved by equally distributing the load over the internal processing units. Several constraints have to be taken into account. The load of the links connected to a processing unit changes over time introducing an imbalance of the load. In this paper, we show how integer linear programming can be applied to reduce the imbalance within an STP, while keeping the number of changes small. Two alternative models are presented. Computational experiments validate the integer programming approach in practice. The GSM network operator E-Plus saves substantial amounts of time and money by employing the proposed approach.
We present publicly available data sets related to research on wireless networks. The scenarios contain a wide range of data and are detailed in all aspects. To our knowledge, this is the most realistic, comprehensive, and detailed \emph{public} data collection on mobile networking. We indicate example uses of this data collection in applications related tu UMTS.
This paper is concerned with UMTS radio network design. Our task is to reconfigure antennas and the related cells as to improve network quality. In contrast to second generation GSM networks, \emph{interference} plays a paramount role when designing third generation radio networks. A known compact formulation for assessing the interference characteristics of a radio network as coupling relations between cells based on user snapshots is generalized to statistical average load. This enables us to overcome the notorious difficulties of snapshot-based network optimization approaches. We recall a mixed-integer programming model for the network design problem that is based on user snapshots and contrast it with a new network design model based on the average coupling formulation. Exemplarily focusing on the important problem of optimizing antenna tilts, we give computational results for a fast local search algorithm and the application of a MIP solver to both models. These results demonstrate that our new average-based approaches outperform state-of-the-art snapshot models for UMTS radio network optimization.