
How do I publish my work here?

First of all, please print out the consent form and prepare it for submission to the University Library.

To start, click on the 'Publish' tab on the homepage of the OPUS publication server.
Select the type of document you wish to publish from the dropdown, then navigate to the document on your computer and select it for uploading. Tick the check box at the bottom of the page and click ‘Next step’.
The next screen asks for the relevant publication details (‘metadata’) for your document, which are needed for cataloguing and bibliographical reference purposes. As a rule, provide as much descriptive information for your document as possible. Some fields are mandatory depending on the type of document being published. The following metadata is typically needed to complete the publication process:
  • type of document (dropdown list);
  • title of the publication and the language of the title;
  • a short description of content;
  • the date of publication (usually the upload date);
  • the language of the document (dropdown list);
  • the publishing licence (dropdown list).
Hover your mouse cursor over a field and a tooltip will appear with more information.

The next and final screen provides a summary of the entered metadata. This is the last opportunity to make changes to the metadata or add your document to a collection. If you are satisfied with your entered data, click ‘Save document’.

Finally, please fill in your consent form and send it as a hard copy to:

University library
OPUS Publication Server
Marie-Curie-Str. 1
47533 Kleve

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