Assistance with individual elements of the submission form

OPUS terms of service / Right of use (required field)
To publish full-text documents, indicate that you have read and agree to the OPUS terms of service by clicking the check box. In doing so, you also confirm that the author or authors are the sole owners of all rights associated with the uploaded document. The publication of the document and the texts and/or artwork within do not violate the rights of third parties. The copyright holders promise to inform the university library of the Technische Hochschule Nürnberg immediately in cases of doubt or if purported or real legal obstacles arise in this connection. The university library of the Technische Hochschule Nürnberg Georg Simon Ohm, the German National Library and special collection libraries have the right to store uploaded documents and their metadata, make them publically available and convert them into other formats when required.

Submitter contact information (required)
Please provide your contact information should the library have any questions. This data is stored for internal use only.

Publication language (required)
Please indicate the language of your document. If multiple languages are used, please select just one.

Author(s) (required)
Please indicate all authors of the publication. If more than one, provide them in the order used for the publication. For instance, if you are uploading a journal article in which the author names appear as “Meier, Martin / Müller, Martina / Schulze, Sabrina,” please use the same order, even if you are Sabrina Schulze. “Author” includes anyone responsible for the publication’s intellectual content – the writer(s) in the case of textual documents, and artists, photographers or illustrators in the case of pictorial documents.

Faculty or Faculties / Department(s) / Institute(s)
Please indicate the university Faculty, department, or institution of the author(s).

Main title (required)
Please indicate the main title of your document. Especially with online publication, it is useful to provide translations of the title (e.g., into English) so that search engines can better find your document. To enter the title in another language (or to delete), click the button.

Please indicate the document subtitle. If you translated the main title into another language, please do the same for the subtitle.

Abstract (up to 2000 characters)
An abstract is a brief description of the publication contents. The description may not exceed 2,000 characters. An existing abstract in the document can be added to the field using copy and paste. If no abstract has been prepared, use the introduction, summary, table of contents or the like instead. Short, meaningful summaries help others to find your text when performing online searches, as most databases and university search machines rely on the abstract when the full text is not available. To provide an abstract in another language, click the button.

Publication year
Please indicate the year your document was first published.

Online publication date
Enter the date when your document may be published on OHMdok. In case your document has not yet been published in any way, enter today’s date. Also use this field if your publication has appeared elsewhere and you want to publish it on OPUS. In many cases, publishers’ are willing to release texts for open access on university publication servers only after a certain amount of time has elapsed. You do not need to wait until the time embargo is over before registering the title on OPUS. Upload your publication whenever you want and we will automatically publish it as soon as it is legally permissible to do so. Detailed information on publication embargos can usually be found in the signed publication agreement. If this agreement is not available, consult the SHERPA/RoMEO list to find out the typical embargo periods for your type of publication.

Place of publication
Indicate the location of the document’s publisher. For online publications, that are being published in OPUS, use “Nuremberg”.

Indicate the number of pages or the duration (in minutes). For essays, use the following form: “First page – last page”.

Enter the name of the publisher, if applicable.

indicate the ISBN if available.

Enter the journal ISSN. Only important for articles from journals or entire journal issues. The ISSN can normally be found on the first page, beneath the masthead.

Enter any keywords that describe the contents of the publication. We recommended using meaningful terms in English as well. University library staff can also add their own keywords in accordance with the Keyword Catalogue Rules.

Publication series of the TH Nürnberg
If your text appeared in a publication series of the TH Nürnberg, select this option from the drop-down menu. Then enter the volume number if available. Should your document have appeared in a different publication series, indicate the title in the field Other publication series.

Other publication series
Indicate here the publication series in which the text appeared if the series is not a part of the TH Nürnberg or if the title does not appear in the drop-down menu of publication series. Follow the name with volume number of the series.
E.g.: [Publication series name]; 3

Here you can decide the terms of use for your publication once it is made available. You can find more information about individual licenses here

Notes Use this field to provide information about your publication that does not fit in any of the other fields. This can include comments, questions, references, and suggestions.

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