15A24 Matrix equations and identities
- English (7)
- model reduction (2)
- Cauchy matrix (1)
- Gramians (1)
- Lur'e equations (1)
- Lure equation (1)
- Positive descriptor systems (1)
- Riccati equations (1)
- VARMA(1,1) model (1)
- balanced truncation (1)
- deflating subspace (1)
Enforcing solvability of a nonlinear matrix equation and estimation of multivariate ARMA time series
The matrix equation $X+AX^{-1}A^T=B$, arising in parameter estimation of certain time series models,
is solvable only for certain values of the matrices $A,B$.
We present a numerical method to modify $A,B$ in order to make the matrix equation solvable.
Since solvability depends on the location of the eigenvalues of the palindromic matrix polynomial $\lambda^2 A+\lambda B+A^T$,
our method works by moving those eigenvalues to specified locations using first order spectral perturbation theory.
The method is heuristic but works in practice, as is supported by several compelling numerical examples.
These examples arise from parameter estimation of a common time series model, the multivariate ARMA(1,1).
We introduce a~numerical method for the numerical solution of the Lur'e matrix equations that arise, for instance, in linear-quadratic infinite time horizon optimal control. The method is based on the characterization of the solutions in terms of deflating subspaces of a suitable even matrix pencil. Via a Cayley transformation, the problem is transformed to the discrete-time case. This leaves us with a symplectic problem with several Jordan blocks of eigenvalue 1 and even size, which arise from the remaining eigenvalues at infinity of the original problem. For the solution of this modified problem, we use the {\em structure-preserving doubling algorithm} (SDA), an iterative scheme for the solution of dense continuous- and discrete-time algebraic Riccati equations. Unlike other iterative schemes, this algorithm converges also when the pencil has eigenvalues on the unit circle, as is the case in our problem. Implementation issues such as the choice of the parameter $\gamma$ in the Cayley transform are discussed. The numerical examples presented confirm the effectiveness of this method.
Model Reduction for a Class of Nonlinear Electrical Circuits by Reduction of Linear Subcircuits
We analyze a model reduction approach for a class of electrical circuits containing nonlinear resistance.
In our approach
the linear subcircuits are extracted and replaced with linear passive reduced-order models. The resulting nonlinear
reduced-order model preserves admissibility and passivity. Moreover, we derive a-priori bounds for the error between
the input-output map of the original circuit equations and that of our reduced-order model. These bounds
are valid for all inputs. Since only linear subcircuits are reduced, our approach is effective when the number of nonlinear resistances is relatively small. The performance of our approach is illustrated numerically.
In this work we consider the so-called Lur'e matrix equations that arise e.g. in model reduction and linear-quadratic infinite time horizon optimal control. We characterize the set of solutions in terms of deflating subspaces of even matrix pencils. In particular, it is shown that there exist solutions which are extremal in terms of definiteness. It is shown how these special solutions can be constructed deflating subspaces of even matrix pencils.
We derive formulas for the minimal positive solution of a
particular non-symmetric Riccati
equation arising in transport theory. The formulas are based
on the eigenvalues of an
associated matrix. We use the formulas to explore some new
properties of the minimal positive solution and to derive
fast and highly accurate numerical methods. Some numerical tests
demonstrate the properties of the new methods.
In this paper we consider structure-preserving model reduction of
second-order systems using a~ba\-lan\-ced truncation approach.
Several sets of singular values are introduced for such systems,
which lead to different concepts of balancing and different
second-order balanced truncation methods. We compare the
properties of these methods on numerical examples.
In this paper, we discuss stability properties of positive descriptor systems in the continuous-time as well as in the discrete-time case. We present different characterisations of positivity and establish generalised stability criteria for the case of positive descriptor systems. We show that if the spectral projector onto the right finite deflating subspace of the matrix pair $(E,A)$ is non-negative, then all stability criteria for standard positive systems take a comparably simple form in the positive descriptor case. Furthermore, we provide sufficient conditions that guarantee entry-wise non-negativity along with positive semi-definiteness of solutions of generalised projected Lyapunov equations. As an application of the framework established throughout this paper, we exemplarily generalise two criteria for the stability of two switched standard positive systems under arbitrary switching to the descriptor case.