The redesign of a construction mobile application

  • This paper explores the redesign process of the VESTIGAS mobile application and investigates the significance of user-centeredness in the business-to-business (B2B) sector. VESTIGAS is a startup aiming to revolutionize the construction sector by offering a supply chain operating system. However, many users within the VESTIGAS user group lacked motivation to use the app and continued to rely on paper alternatives. The redesign aimed to address this issue by improving the app's usability and user-friendliness to increase user engagement. To achieve this, low-budget UX methods, including qualitative user interviews and UX-expert interviews, were employed to guide the creative process. Subsequently, a user study was conducted to compare the new app with the old app. The study revealed significant improvements as users were able to complete tasks more efficiently and expressed a preference for the new app. Contrary to previous assumptions by VESTIGAS employees, the study demonstrated that users highly value the user-centeredness of the newThis paper explores the redesign process of the VESTIGAS mobile application and investigates the significance of user-centeredness in the business-to-business (B2B) sector. VESTIGAS is a startup aiming to revolutionize the construction sector by offering a supply chain operating system. However, many users within the VESTIGAS user group lacked motivation to use the app and continued to rely on paper alternatives. The redesign aimed to address this issue by improving the app's usability and user-friendliness to increase user engagement. To achieve this, low-budget UX methods, including qualitative user interviews and UX-expert interviews, were employed to guide the creative process. Subsequently, a user study was conducted to compare the new app with the old app. The study revealed significant improvements as users were able to complete tasks more efficiently and expressed a preference for the new app. Contrary to previous assumptions by VESTIGAS employees, the study demonstrated that users highly value the user-centeredness of the new app. These findings suggest that the user-centered design process holds value in the B2B sector and provide an initial foundation for VESTIGAS to further explore this moreshow less

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Author:Leon-David Endres
Subtitle (English):establishing the user-centered design process in a business to business startup
Document Type:Master's Thesis
Reviewer(s) at THI:Simon Nestler, Andreas Riener
Publishing Institution:Technische Hochschule Ingolstadt
Date of first Publication:2023/08/02
Year of first Publication:2023
Place of publication:Ingolstadt
Pages:91, LI
Faculties / Institutes / Organizations:Fakultät Informatik
Degree Programmes:User Experience Design (M. Sc.)
Licence (German):License Logo Urheberrechtsschutz
Release Date:2023/09/06
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