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- ja (4)
- COVID-19 (2)
- Desinformation (2)
- Fehlinformation (2)
- Analytische Therapie <C.G.Jung> (1)
- Automatische Spracherkennung (1)
- Beleidigung (1)
- Check-worthiness estimation (1)
- Deutsch (1)
- Fact-checking (1)
- Frequenz (1)
We present the second edition of the GermEval Shared Task on the Identification of Offensive Language. This shared task deals with the classification of German tweets from Twitter. Two subtasks were continued from the first edition, namely a coarse-grained binary classification task and a fine-grained multi-class classification task. As a novel subtask, we introduce the classification of offensive tweets as explicit or implicit.
The shared task had 13 participating groups submitting 28 runs for the coarse-grained task, another 28 runs for the fine-grained task, and 17 runs for the implicit-explicit task.
We evaluate the results of the systems submitted to the shared task. The shared task homepage can be found at
Analytische Psychotherapien (AP) stellen in der kassenärztlichen Versorgung eine Minderheit dar. Zudem sind beantragte AP oft kürzer und finden seltener pro Woche statt, als es von den Psychotherapierichtlinien vorgesehen wird. Im psychoanalytischen Kontext interessiert neben herkömmlicher Psychotherapiewirksamkeitsforschung mithilfe von Fragebogen das subjektive Erleben der Patienten.
Es wird untersucht, welches Setting Therapeuten in AP angeben, und was Patienten über ihre beendeten Therapien berichten.
Material und Methoden
Daten bereits abgeschlossener AP aus der noch laufenden DPG-Praxisstudie (einer prospektiven naturalistischen Studie zur Untersuchung der Wirksamkeit psychoanalytisch begründeter Psychotherapien) werden analysiert. Für die Therapeutenseite (n = 108) werden Angaben in Fragebogen betrachtet; auf Patientenseite werden Freitexte der Patienten (n = 37) anhand einer qualitativen Inhaltsanalyse kategorisiert.
In Langzeittherapien (LZT) der DPG-Praxisstudie wird das Stundenkontingent gemäß Psychotherapierichtlinien häufig ausgeschöpft, und AP im ersten Jahr werden oft im Liegen und mit 2 bis 3 Wochenstunden durchgeführt. Die Analyse der Patientenberichte zeigt u. a., dass die Patienten ihre Behandlungen häufig als anstrengend empfinden, insgesamt aber zufrieden mit den Behandlungen sind.
Analytische Psychotherapie wird – zumindest in dieser Studie – sehr oft gemäß den Richtlinien durchgeführt. Die Patientenberichte geben einen Einblick, der nah am Erleben der Patienten ist und damit eine vielversprechende Forschungsperspektive eröffnet.
Overview of the CLEF-2022 CheckThat! Lab on Fighting the COVID-19 Infodemic and Fake News Detection
We describe the fifth edition of the CheckThat! lab, part of the 2022 Conference and Labs of the Evaluation Forum (CLEF). The lab evaluates technology supporting tasks related to factuality in multiple languages: Arabic, Bulgarian, Dutch, English, German, Spanish, and Turkish. Task 1 asks to identify relevant claims in tweets in terms of check-worthiness, verifiability, harmfullness, and attention-worthiness. Task 2 asks to detect previously fact-checked claims that could be relevant to fact-check a new claim. It targets both tweets and political debates/speeches. Task 3 asks to predict the veracity of the main claim in a news article. CheckThat! was the most popular lab at CLEF-2022 in terms of team registrations: 137 teams. More than one-third (37%) of them actually participated: 18, 7, and 26 teams submitted 210, 37, and 126 official runs for tasks 1, 2, and 3, respectively.
We describe the outcome of the 2023 edition of the CheckThat!Lab at CLEF. We focus on subjectivity (Task 2), which has been proposed for the first time. It aims at fostering the technology for the identification of subjective text fragments in news articles. For that, we produced corpora consisting of 9,530 manually-annotated sentences, covering six languages - Arabic, Dutch, English, German, Italian, and Turkish. Task 2 attracted 12 teams, which submitted a total of 40 final runs covering all languages. The most successful approaches addressed the task using state-of-the-art multilingual transformer models, which were fine-tuned on language-specific data. Teams also experimented with a rich set of other neural architectures, including foundation models, zero-shot classifiers, and standard transformers, mainly coupled with data augmentation and multilingual training strategies to address class imbalance. We publicly release all the datasets and evaluation scripts, with the purpose of promoting further research on this topic.