- Vortrag (62)
- Zeitschriftenartikel (42)
- Beitrag zu einem Tagungsband (35)
- Posterpräsentation (5)
- Forschungsbericht (5)
- Corrigendum (3)
- Sonstiges (3)
- Dissertation (1)
- Eigenspannungen (39)
- Residual stresses (29)
- MAG-Schweißen (26)
- High-strength steels (18)
- Welding (17)
- Restraint (15)
- Additive Fertigung (14)
- Hochfester Stahl (14)
- Process parameters (14)
- Wärmeführung (14)
Organisationseinheit der BAM
- 9 Komponentensicherheit (85)
- 9.2 Versuchsanlagen und Prüftechnik (82)
- 9.4 Integrität von Schweißverbindungen (70)
- 9.0 Abteilungsleitung und andere (12)
- 5 Werkstofftechnik (1)
- 5.1 Mikrostruktur Design und Degradation (1)
- 6 Materialchemie (1)
- 6.2 Material- und Oberflächentechnologien (1)
- 8 Zerstörungsfreie Prüfung (1)
- 8.5 Röntgenbildgebung (1)
Paper des Monats
- ja (2)
Eingeladener Vortrag
- nein (62)
The application of high-strength fine-grained structural steels with yield strengths greater than or equal to 690 MPa expands because of present light weight design trends. The requirements regarding the welded components safety increased due to high loading capacity. This determines a sustainable and economic application as well. However, high welding residual stresses could diminish the components safety, especially due to high restraint conditions in component or repair welds. Therefore, this work is concerned with global and local welding stresses, especially crack-critical welding stresses in the HAZ and while root welding due to the restraint conditions. Restraint intensities of real components were analysed and realised with two different weld tests, alongside two different plate dimensions and steel grades. A comparison of the test results showed several significant effects for heat control and restraint intensity regarding restraint forces and local welding stresses. Among these effects, substantial influences were found for the filler metal selection with partially altered results for root and filler beads. Local stresses of weld seam and HAZ were affected differently.
In dem IGF-Vorhaben IGF-Nr. 17978 N (P 1011) wurden unter gezielter definierter Schrumpfbehinderung Schweißexperimente an hochfesten Feinkornbaustählen durchgeführt, um den Einfluss der Wärmeführung sowie den Einsatz modifizierter Sprühlichtbogenprozesse verbunden mit schmaleren Nahtfugen auf die lokalen Eigenspannungen und die Gesamteigenbeanspruchungen an geschweißten Bauteilen zu analysieren. Diese Kurzdarstellung fasst die wesentlichen Zusammenhänge zu schweißbedingten Beanspruchungen an hochfesten Schweißverbindungen sowie einige der erarbeiteten Erkenntnisse und erreichten Ziele des Forschungsprojektes zusammen.
Current efforts for lightweight design result in a growing application of high-strength fine-grained structural steel in modern steel constructions, e.g. mobile cranes, with yield strength from 960 MPa. The design of welded structures and the welding process become more challenging with increasing material strength due to higher elastic ratios. The formation of high residual stresses, which are able to diminish lifetime, load capacity and component safety, has to be avoided. Recent numerical and experimental analyses have shown a strong influence of the heat control and the rigidity of the weld on the welding stresses. Global reaction stresses due to an external shrinkage restraint superimpose with local residual stresses in the weld seam. Modern inverter technologies allowed the development of numerous modified spray arc processes driven by the power source manufactures with almost equal characteristics. They provide several well-known technical and economic benefits, like the possibility of welding narrower seam configurations. As a result a smaller weld volume, total heat input and, therefore, reduced welding stresses are achievable. This research focuses on the welding loads due to modified weld seams. The global reaction forces in welded components due to an external shrinkage restraint were investigated in a special in-house developed testing facility. Additionally, the superposition of the local residual stresses, global stresses and bending moments were analysed with the help of X-ray diffraction. The intensity of the restraint, the weld seam configuration and the weld process (transitional arc and modified spray arc) were varied for a statistical evaluation of the resulting welding loads. It was observed that under restraint a smaller weld seam volume affects reduced reaction stresses.