FG Computational Physics
Recently developed terahertz (THz) two-dimensional coherent spectroscopy (2DCS) is a powerful technique to obtain materials information in a fashion qualitatively different from other spectroscopies. Here, we utilized THz 2DCS to investigate the THz nonlinear response of conventional superconductor NbN. Using broadband THz pulses as light sources, we observed a third-order nonlinear signal whose spectral components are peaked at twice the superconducting gap energy 2Δ. With narrow-band THz pulses, a THz nonlinear signal was identified at the driving frequency Ω and exhibited a resonant enhancement at temperature when Ω=2Δ. General theoretical considerations show that such a resonance can arise only from a disorder-activated paramagnetic coupling between the light and the electronic current. This proves that the nonlinear THz response can access processes distinct from the diamagnetic Raman-like density fluctuations, which are believed to dominate the nonlinear response at optical frequencies in metals. Our numerical simulations reveal that, even for a small amount of disorder, the Ω=2Δ resonance is dominated by the superconducting amplitude mode over the entire investigated disorder range. This is in contrast to other resonances, whose amplitude-mode contribution depends on disorder. Our findings demonstrate the unique ability of THz 2DCS to explore collective excitations inaccessible in other spectroscopies.
Anisotropic transport properties have been assessed in a number of cuprate superconductors, providing evidence for a nematic state. We have recently shown that in ultra-thin YBa2Cu3O7−δ films, where nematicity is induced via strain engineering, there is a suppression of charge density wave scattering along the orthorhombic a-axis and a concomitant enhancement of strange metal behavior along the b-axis. Here we develop a microscopic model, that is based on the strong interaction between the substrate facets and the thin film, to account for the unconventional phenomenology. Based on the atomic force microscopy imaging of the substrates’ surface, the model is able to predict the absence (presence) of nematicity and the resulting transport properties in films grown on SrTiO3 (MgO) substrates. Our result paves the way to new tuning capabilities of the ground state of high-temperature superconductors by substrate engineering.
The Shrinking Fermi Liquid Scenario for Strange-Metal Behavior from Overdamped Optical Phonons
We discuss how the interaction of electrons with an overdamped optical phonon can give rise to a strange-metal behavior over extended temperature and frequency ranges. Although the mode has a finite frequency, an increasing damping shifts spectral weight to progressively lower energies so that despite the ultimate Fermi liquid character of the system at the lowest temperatures and frequencies, the transport and optical properties of the electron system mimic a marginal Fermi liquid behavior. Within this shrinking Fermi liquid scenario, we extensively investigate the electron self-energy in all frequency and temperature ranges, emphasizing similarities and differences with respect to the marginal Fermi liquid scenario.
We investigate order parameter fluctuations in the Hubbard model within a time-dependent Gutzwiller approach. While in the weak coupling limit we find that the amplitude fluctuations are short-lived due to a degeneracy with the energy of the edge of the quasiparticle continua (and in agreement with Hartree-Fock+RPA theory), these are shifted below the edge upon increasing the interaction. Our calculations therefore predict undamped amplitude (Higgs) oscillations of the order parameter in strongly coupled superconductors, cold atomic fermion condensates, and strongly interacting charge- and spin-density wave systems. We propose an experimental realization for the detection of the spin-type Higgs mode in undoped cuprates and related materials where, due to the Dzyaloshinsky-Moriya interaction, it can couple to an out-of-plane ferromagnetic excitation that is visible via the Faraday effect.
Josephson plasmons in layered superconductors represent a natural source of optical nonlinearity, thanks to their intrinsically anharmonic nature. Here we derive the selection rules behind nonlinear plasmonics showing its dependence on plasmonic branches hidden to other spectroscopies, such as RIXS. We benchmark our results for the case of layered cuprates, showing how in a layered system the combined effect of plasmon dispersion and light polarization can move the resonance of the bilayer system away from the plasma edge measured in linear spectroscopy. Our results demonstrate the dependence of the nonlinear THz response on the convoluted plasmon dispersion in a momentum region complementary to RIXS, and offer a possible perspective for the generation of THz pulses by artificially designed Josephson heterostructures.
We discuss a formalism that allows for the calculation of a higher-harmonic-current response to a strong applied electric field for disordered superconducting systems described on the basis of tight-binding models with on- and/or intersite interactions. The theory is based on an expansion of the density matrix in powers of the field amplitudes, where we solve the equation of motion for the individual components. This allows the evaluation of higher-order response functions on significantly larger lattices than one can achieve with a previously used approach, which is based on a direct temporal integration of the equation of motion for the complete density matrix. In the case of small lattices, where both methods can be applied by including also the contribution of collective modes, we demonstrate the agreement of the corresponding results.
The strange metal behavior, usually characterized by a linear-in-temperature (T) resistivity, is a still unsolved mystery in solid-state physics. It is often associated with the proximity to a quantum critical point (a second order transition at temperature T=0, leading to a broken symmetry phase) focusing on the related divergent order parameter correlation length. Here, we propose a paradigmatic shift, focusing on a divergent characteristic time scale due to a divergent dissipation acting on the fluctuating critical modes while their correlation length stays finite. To achieve a divergent dissipation, we propose a mechanism based on the coupling between a local order parameter fluctuation and electron density diffusive modes that accounts both for the linear-in-T resistivity and for the logarithmic specific heat versus temperature ratio CV/T∼log(1/T), down to low temperatures.
Electronic inhomogeneities are nowadays a well established feature of high-temperature superconductors, most prominently exemplified by the observation of charge-ordered states in a large number of cuprate materials. In this contribution we review the particular contribution of the Stuttgart-Tartu-Cottbus group to this field, which has been largely stimulated by intense discussion with K. Alex Müller. The original scenario, which was based on the formation of a percolative electronic network, is substantiated by a microscopic analysis of the clustering of magnetic polarons within the one-band Hubbard model.
We present a detailed theoretical investigation of the linear and nonlinear optical response in a model system for a disordered d-wave superconductor. By evaluating the quasiparticle contribution (BCS response) we show that for both quantities the gap symmetry considerably changes the paradigm of the optical response as compared to the conventional s-wave case. For what concerns the linear response our findings agree with previous work showing that in strongly disordered d-wave superconductors a large fraction of uncondensed spectral weight survives below Tc, making the optical absorption around the gap-frequency scale almost unchanged with respect to the normal state. Our numerical results are in excellent quantitative agreement with experiments in overdoped cuprates. In the nonlinear regime we focus on the third-harmonic generation (THG), finding that, as already established for the s-wave case, in general a large THG is triggered by disorder-activated paramagnetic processes. However, in the d-wave case the BCS response is monotonously increasing in frequency, losing any signature of THG enhancement when the THz pump frequency ω matches the gap maximum Δ, a hallmark of previous experiments in conventional s-wave superconductors. Our findings, along with the mild polarization dependence of the response, provide an explanation for recent THG measurements in cuprates, setting the framework for the theoretical understanding of nonlinear effects in unconventional cuprates.
We investigate the physics of an adiabatic transition from a BCS superconductor to a Fermi liquid for an exponentially slow decreasing pairing interaction. We show that, depending on the order of the thermodynamic limit and large times, a situation can arise in which the Fermi liquid keeps a memory of the parent BCS state. Furthermore, a time inversion of the interaction, supplemented by a manipulation analogous to a spin-/photon-echo experiment, allows us to recover the parent BCS state. Moreover, we study the evolution of the order parameter phase ϕ in transforming the BCS superconductor to a conventional metal. Since the global phase is the conjugate variable of the density, we explicitly show how to use the dynamics of ϕ together with gauge invariance to build up the noninteracting chemical potential away from particle-hole symmetry. We further analyze the role of ϕ in restoring the gauge-invariant current response when the noninteracting Fermi liquid is approached starting from a BCS superconductor in the presence of an external vector field.