91A46 Combinatorial games
Document Type
- ZIB-Report (3)
- English (3)
Has Fulltext
- yes (3)
Is part of the Bibliography
- no (3)
- Computer Go (2)
- discrete dynamical systems (2)
- static evaluation (2)
- Ticket prices (1)
- cost allocation game (1)
The paper gathers evidence showing different dimensions of the game of Go: the continuous and discrete nature of the game and different types of relations between state variables happening on ultra local, local, regional, and global scales. Based on these observations a new continuous local model for describing a board position is introduced. This includes the identification of the basic variables describing a board position and the formulation and solution of a dynamical system for their computation. To be usable as a static evaluation function for a game playing program at least group-wide (regional)aspects will have to be incorporated.
In the paper arguments are given why the concept of static evaluation (SE) has the potential to be a useful extension to Monte Carlo tree search. A new concept of modeling SE through a dynamical system is introduced and strengths and weaknesses are discussed. The general suitability of this approach is demonstrated. A Remark: Among users of the Internet Go server KGS the abbreviation SE is used for 'Score Estimator'. Although different from 'Static Evaluation' a score estimator is easily obtained from static evaluation by adding up probabilities of chains to be alive at the end of the game or points to be owned by White or Black
Ticket pricing in public transport usually takes a welfare or mnemonics maximization point of view. These approaches do not consider fairness in the sense that users of a shared infrastructure should pay for the costs that they generate. We propose an ansatz to determine fair ticket prices that combines concepts from cooperative game theory and integer programming. An application to pricing railway tickets for the intercity network of the Netherlands demonstrates that, in this sense, prices that are much fairer than standard ones can be computed in this way.