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Document Type
- ZIB-Report (15)
- In Proceedings (8)
- Article (7)
- Doctoral Thesis (1)
- Other (1)
Is part of the Bibliography
- no (32)
- duty scheduling (4)
- Dienstplanung (2)
- Umlaufplanung (2)
- column generation (2)
- duty templates (2)
- integrated scheduling (2)
- rapid branching (2)
- vehicle scheduling (2)
- Airline Crew Scheduling (1)
- Benders decomposition (1)
Wir beschreiben einen Ansatz zur integrierten Umlauf- und Dienstplanung im öffentlichen Nahverkehr. Der Ansatz zielt auf die Verbesserung des Gesamtwirkungsgrades dieser beiden Planungsschritte und auf die besondere Planungsproblematik im Regionalverkehr. Wir entwickeln dazu mathematische Optimierungstechniken für den Einsatz in den Planungssystemen MICROBUS II und DIVA.
The airline crew scheduling problem deals with the construction of crew rotations in order to cover the flights of a given schedule at minimum cost. The problem involves complex rules for the legality and costs of individual pairings and base constraints for the availability of crews at home bases. A typical instance considers a planning horizon of one month and several thousand flights. We propose a column generation approach for solving airline crew scheduling problems that is based on a set partitioning model. We discuss algorithmic aspects such as the use of bundle techniques for the fast, approximate solution of linear programs, a pairing generator that combines Lagrangean shortest path and callback techniques, and a novel rapid branching'' IP heuristic. Computational results for a number of industrial instances are reported. Our approach has been implemented within the commercial crew scheduling system NetLine/Crew of Lufthansa Systems Berlin GmbH.
This article proposes a Lagrangean relaxation approach to solve integrated duty and vehicle scheduling problems arising in public transport. The approach is based on the proximal bundle method for the solution of concave decomposable functions, which is adapted for the approximate evaluation of the vehicle and duty scheduling components. The primal and dual information generated by the bundle method is used to guide a branch-and-bound type algorithm. Computational results for large-scale real-world integrated vehicle and duty scheduling problems with up to 1,500 timetabled trips are reported. Compared with the results of a classical sequential approach and with reference solutions, integrated scheduling offers remarkable potentials in savings and drivers' satisfaction.
In the Capacitated Dial-a-Ride Problem (CDARP) we are given a transportation network and a finite set of transportation jobs. Each job specifies the source and target location which are both part of the network. A server which can carry at most $C$~objects at a time can move on the transportation network in order to process the transportation requests. The problem CDARP consists of finding a shortest transportation for the jobs starting and ending at a designated start location. In this paper we are concerned with the restriction of CDARP to graphs which are simple paths. This setting arises for instance when modelling applications in elevator transportation systems. It is known that even for this restricted class of graphs CDARP is NP-hard to solve. We provide a polynomial time approximation algorithm that finds a transportion of length at most thrice the length of the optimal transportation.
This thesis describes the algorithm IS-OPT that integrates scheduling of vehicles and duties in public bus transit. IS-OPT is the first algorithm which solves integrated vehicle and duty scheduling problems arising in medium sized carriers such that its solutions can be used in daily operations without further adaptions. This thesis is structured as follows: The first chapter highlights mathematical models of the planning process of public transit companies and examines their potential for integrating them with other planning steps. It also introduces descriptions of the vehicle and the duty scheduling problem. Chapter 2 motivates why it can be useful to integrate vehicle and duty scheduling, explains approaches of the literature, and gives an outline of our algorithm IS-OPT. The following chapters go into the details of the most important techniques and methods of IS-OPT: In Chapter 3 we describe how we use Lagrangean relaxation in a column generation framework. Next, in Chapter 4, we describe a variant of the proximal bundle method (PBM) that is used to approximate linear programs occurring in the solution process. We introduce here a new variant of the PBM which is able to utilize inexact function evaluation and the use of epsilon-subgradients. We also show the convergence of this method under certain assumptions. Chapter 5 treats the generation of duties for the duty scheduling problem. This problem is modeled as a resourceconstraint- shortest-path-problem with non-linear side constraints and nearly linear objective function. It is solved in a two-stage approach. At first we calculate lower bounds on the reduced costs of duties using certain nodes by a new inexact label-setting algorithm. Then we use these bounds to speed up a depth-first-search algorithm that finds feasible duties. In Chapter 6 we present the primal heuristic of IS-OPT that solves the integrated problem to integrality. We introduce a new branch-and-bound based heuristic which we call rapid branching. Rapid branching uses the proximal bundle method to compute lower bounds, it introduces a heuristic node selection scheme, and it utilizes a new branching rule that fixes sets of many variables at once. The common approach to solve the problems occurring in IS-OPT is to trade inexactness of the solutions for speed of the algorithms. This enables, as we show in Chapter 7, to solve large real world integrated problems by IS-OPT. The scheduled produced by IS-OPT save up to 5% of the vehicle and duty cost of existing schedules of regional and urban public transport companies.
Duty Scheduling Templates
We propose duty templates as a novel concept to produce similar duty
schedules for similar days of operation in public transit. Duty templates
can conveniently handle various types of similarity requirements, and
they can be implemented with ease using standard algorithmic techniques.
They have produced good results in practice.
Rapid Branching
We propose rapid branching (RB) as a general branch-and-bound heuristic
for solving large scale optimization problems in traffic and transport.
The key idea is to combine a special branching rule and a greedy node selection
strategy in order to produce solutions of controlled quality rapidly
and efficiently. We report on three successful applications of the method
for integrated vehicle and crew scheduling, railway track allocation, and
railway vehicle rotation planning.
This paper provides a generic formulation for rolling stock planning
problems in the context of intercity passenger traffic. The main contributions
are a graph theoretical model and a Mixed-Integer-Programming
formulation that integrate all main requirements of the considered
Vehicle-Rotation-Planning problem (VRPP). We show that it is
possible to solve this model for real-world instances provided by our
industrial partner DB Fernverkehr AG using modern algorithms and
The track allocation problem, also known as train routing problem or train timetabling problem, is to find a conflict-free set of train routes of maximum value in a railway network. Although it can be modeled as a standard path packing problem, instances of sizes relevant for real-world railway applications could not be solved up to now. We propose a rapid branching column generation approach that integrates the solution of the LP relaxation of a path coupling formulation of the problem with a special rounding heuristic. The approach is based on and exploits special properties of the bundle method for the approximate solution of convex piecewise linear functions. Computational results for difficult instances of the benchmark library TTPLIB are reported.
We propose a model for the integrated optimization of vehicle
rotations and vehicle compositions in long distance railway passenger
transport. The main contribution of the paper is a hypergraph model
that is able to handle the challenging technical requirements as
well as very general stipulations with respect to the ``regularity''
of a schedule. The hypergraph model directly generalizes network
flow models, replacing arcs with hyperarcs. Although NP-hard in
general, the model is computationally well-behaved in practice. High
quality solutions can be produced in reasonable time using high
performance Integer Programming techniques, in particular, column
generation and rapid branching. We show that, in this way,
large-scale real world instances of our cooperation partner DB
Fernverkehr can be solved.