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- In Proceedings (4)
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- English (7)
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User-defined and system-level checkpointing have contrary properties. While user-defined checkpoints are smaller and simpler to recover, system-level checkpointing better knows the global system's state and parameters like the expected mean time to failure (MTTF) per node. Both approaches lead to non-optimal checkpoint time, intervals, sizes, or I/O bandwidth when concurrent checkpoints conflict and compete for it.
We combine user-defined and system-level checkpointing to exploit the benefits and avoid the drawbacks of each other. Thus, applications frequently offer to create checkpoints. The system accepts such offers according to the current status and implied costs to recalculate from the last checkpoint or denies them, i.e., immediately lets continue the application without checkpoint creation. To support this approach, we develop economic models for multi-application checkpointing on shared I/O resources that are dedicated for checkpointing (e.g. burst-buffers) by defining an appropriate goal function and solving a global optimization problem.
Using our models, the checkpoints of applications on a supercomputer are scheduled to effectively use the available I/O bandwidth and minimize the failure overhead (checkpoint creations plus recalculations). Our simulations show an overall reduction in failure overhead of all nodes of up to 30% for a typical supercomputer workload (HLRN). We can also derive the most cost effective burst-buffer bandwidth for a given node's MTTF and application workload.