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- ZIB-Report (7)
- English (7)
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In this paper we investigate whether matrices arising from linear or integer programming problems can be decomposed into so-called {\em bordered block diagonal form}. More precisely, given some matrix $A$, we try to assign as many rows as possible to some number of blocks of limited size such that no two rows assigned to different blocks intersect in a common column. Bordered block diagonal form is desirable because it can guide and speed up the solution process for linear and integer programming problems. We show that various matrices from the %LP- and MIP-libraries \Netlib{} and MIPLIB can indeed be decomposed into this form by computing optimal decompositions or decompositions with proven quality. These computations are done with a branch-and-cut algorithm based on polyhedral investigations of the matrix decomposition problem.
In this paper we investigate whether matrices arising from linear or integer programming problems can be decomposed into so-called {\em bordered block diagonal form}. More precisely, given some matrix $A$, we try to assign as many rows as possible to some number of blocks of limited size such that no two rows assigned to different blocks intersect in a common column. Bordered block diagonal form is desirable because it can guide and speed up the solution process for linear and integer programming problems. We show that various matrices from the LP- and MIP-libraries NETLIB and MITLIB can indeed be decomposed into this form by computing optimal decompositions or decompositions with proven quality. These computations are done with a branch-and-cut algorithm based on polyhedral investigations of the matrix decomposition problem. In practice, however, one would use heuristics to find a good decomposition. We present several heuristic ideas and test their performance. Finally, we investigate the usefulness of optimal matrix decompositions into bordered block diagonal form for integer programming by using such decompositions to guide the branching process in a branch-and-cut code for general mixed integer programs.
In this paper we describe a cutting plane based algorithm for the multiple knapsack problem. We use our algorithm to solve some practical problem instances arising in the layout of electronic circuits and in the design of main frame computers, and we report on our computational experience. This includes a discussion and evaluation of separation algorithms, an LP-based primal heuristic and some implementation details. The paper is based on the polyhedral theory for the multiple knapsack polytope developed in our companion paper SC 93-04 and meant to turn this theory into an algorithmic tool for the solution of practical problems.
In this paper we describe and discuss a problem that arises in the (global) design of a main frame computer. The task is to assign certain functional units to a given number of so called multi chip modules or printed circuit boards taking into account many technical constraints and minimizing a complex objective function. We describe the real world problem. A thorough mathematical modelling of all aspects of this problem results in a rather complicated integer program that seems to be hopelessly difficult -- at least for the present state of integer programming technology. We introduce several relaxations of the general model, which are also $NP$-hard, but seem to be more easily accessible. The mathematical relations between the relaxations and the exact formulation of the problem are discussed as well.
In this paper we consider the multiple knapsack problem which is defined as follows: given a set $N$ of items with weights $f_i$, $i \in N$, a set $M$ of knapsacks with capacities $F_k$, $k \in M$, and a profit function $c_{ik}, i \in N, k \in M$; find an assignment of a subset of the set of items to the set of knapsacks that yields maximum profit (or minimum cost). With every instance of this problem we associate a polyhedron whose vertices are in one to one correspondence to the feasible solutions of the instance. This polytope is the subject of our investigations. In particular, we present several new classes of inequalities and work out necessary and sufficient conditions under which the corresponding inequality defines a facet. Some of these conditions involve only properties of certain knapsack constraints, and hence, apply to the generalized assignment polytope as well. The results presented here serve as the theoretical basis for solving practical problems. The algorithmic side of our study, i.e., separation algorithms, implementation details and computational experience with a branch and cut algorithm are discussed in the companion paper SC 93-07.
We investigate the problem of partitioning the nodes of a graph under capacity restriction on the sum of the node weights in each subset of the partition. The objective is to minimize the sum of the costs of the edges between the subsets of the partition. This problem has a variety of applications, for instance in the design of electronic circuits and devices. We present alternative integer programming formulations for this problem and discuss the links between these formulations. Having chosen to work in the space of edges of the multicut, we investigate the convex hull of incidence vectors of feasible multicuts. In particular, several classes of inequalities are introduced, and their strength and robustness are analyzed as various problem parameters change.
In this paper we consider the problem of $k$-partitioning the nodes of a graph with capacity restrictions on the sum of the node weights in each subset of the partition, and the objective of minimizing the sum of the costs of the edges between the subsets of the partition. Based on a study of valid inequalities, we present a variety of separation heuristics for so-called cycle, cycle with ears, knapsack tree and path-block-cycle inequalities. The separation heuristics, plus primal heuristics, have been implemented in a branch-and-cut routine using a formulation including the edges with nonzero costs and node variables. Results are presented for three classes of problems: equipartitioning problems arising in finite element methods and partitioning problems associated with electronic circuit layout and compiler design.