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Document Type
- ZIB-Report (10)
- In Proceedings (8)
- Article (3)
- Book chapter (1)
- Doctoral Thesis (1)
- Master's Thesis (1)
Is part of the Bibliography
- no (24)
- online optimization (5)
- Online-Optimierung (4)
- Aufzugssteuerung (2)
- Markov decision problem (2)
- column generation (2)
- elevator control (2)
- linear programming (2)
- Aufzugsgruppensteuerung (1)
- Blocking Probability (1)
- Dispatching von Fahrzeugen (1)
Dynamic Routing Algorithms in Transparent Optical Networks An Experimental Study Based on Real Data
Today's telecommunication networks are configured statically. Whenever a connection is established, the customer has permanent access to it. However, it is observed that usually the connection is not used continuously. At this point, dynamic provisioning could increase the utilization of network resources. WDM based Optical Transport Networks (OTNs) will shortly allow for fast dynamic network reconfiguration. This enables optical broadband leased line services on demand. Since service requests competing for network resources may lead to service blocking, it is vital to use appropriate strategies for routing and wavelength assignment in transparent optical networks. We simulate the service blocking probabilities of various dynamic algorithms for this problem using a well-founded traffic model for two realistic networks. One of the algorithms using shortest path routings performs best on all instances. Surprisingly, the tie-breaking rule between equally short paths in different wavelengths decides between success or failure.
The Dynamic Multi-Period Routing Problem DMPRP introduced by Angelelli et al. gives a model for a two-stage online-offline routing problem. At the beginning of each time period a set of customers becomes known. The customers need to be served either in the current time period or in the following. Postponed customers have to be served in the next time period. The decision whether to postpone a customer has to be done online. At the end of each time period, an optimal tour for the customers assigned to this period has to be computed and this computation can be done offline. The objective of the problem is to minimize the distance traveled over all planning periods assuming optimal routes for the customers selected in each period. We provide the first randomized online algorithms for the DMPRP which beat the known lower bounds for deterministic algorithms. For the special case of two planning periods we provide lower bounds on the competitive ratio of any randomized online algorithm against the oblivious adversary. We identify a randomized algorithm that achieves the optimal competitive ratio of $\frac{1+\sqrt{2}}{2}$ for two time periods on the real line. For three time periods, we give a randomized algorithm that is strictly better than any deterministic algorithm.
Starting with the description of the Traveling Salesmen Problem formulation as given by van Vyve and Wolsey in the article Approximate extended formulations'', we investigate the effects of small variations onto the performance of contemporary mixed integer programming solvers. We will show that even minor changes in the formulation of the model can result in performance difference of more than a factor of 1000. As the results show it is not obvious which changes will result in performance improvements and which not.
Many online problems encountered in real-life involve a two-stage decision process: upon arrival of a new request, an irrevocable first-stage decision (the assignment of a specific resource to the request) must be made immediately, while in a second stage process, certain ``subinstances'' (that is, the instances of all requests assigned to a particular resource) can be solved to optimality (offline) later. We introduce the novel concept of an \emph{Online Target Date Assignment Problem} (\textsc{OnlineTDAP}) as a general framework for online problems with this nature. Requests for the \textsc{OnlineTDAP} become known at certain dates. An online algorithm has to assign a target date to each request, specifying on which date the request should be processed (e.\,g., an appointment with a customer for a washing machine repair). The cost at a target date is given by the \emph{downstream cost}, the optimal cost of processing all requests at that date w.\,r.\,t.\ some fixed downstream offline optimization problem (e.\,g., the cost of an optimal dispatch for service technicians). We provide general competitive algorithms for the \textsc{OnlineTDAP} independently of the particular downstream problem, when the overall objective is to minimize either the sum or the maximum of all downstream costs. As the first basic examples, we analyze the competitive ratios of our algorithms for the par ticular academic downstream problems of bin-packing, nonpreemptive scheduling on identical parallel machines, and routing a traveling salesman.
In \emph{classical optimization} it is assumed that full information about the problem to be solved is given. This, in particular, includes that all data are at hand. The real world may not be so nice'' to optimizers. Some problem constraints may not be known, the data may be corrupted, or some data may not be available at the moments when decisions have to be made. The last issue is the subject of \emph{online optimization} which will be addressed here. We explain some theory that has been developed to cope with such situations and provide examples from practice where unavailable information is not the result of bad data handling but an inevitable phenomenon.
Providing realistic performance indicators of online algorithms for a given online optimization problem is a difficult task in general. Due to significant drawbacks of other concepts like competitive analysis, Markov decision problems (MDPs) may yield an attractive alternative whenever reasonable stochastic information about future requests is available. However, the number of states in MDPs emerging from real applications is usually exponential in the original input parameters. Therefore, the standard methods for analyzing policies, i.e., online algorithms in our context, are infeasible.
In this thesis we propose a new computational tool to evaluate the behavior of policies for discounted MDPs locally, i.e., depending on a
particular initial state. The method is based on a column generation algorithm for approximating the total expected discounted cost of an
unknown optimal policy, a concrete policy, or a single action (which assumes actions at other states to be made according to an optimal policy). The algorithm determines an $\varepsilon$-approximation by
inspecting only relatively small local parts of the total state space. We prove that the number of states required for providing the approximation is independent of the total number of states, which underlines the practicability of the algorithm. The approximations
obtained by our algorithm are typically much better than the
theoretical bounds obtained by other approaches.
We investigate the pricing problem and the structure of the linear programs encountered in the column generation. Moreover, we propose and analyze different extensions of the basic algorithm in order to achieve good approximations fast.
The potential of our analysis tool is exemplified for discounted MDPs emerging from different online optimization problems, namely online bin coloring, online target date assignment, and online elevator control. The results of the experiments are quite encouraging: our method is mostly capable to provide performance indicators for online algorithms that much better reflect observations made in simulations than competitive analysis does. Moreover, the analysis allows to reveal weaknesses of the considered online algorithms. This way, we developed a new online algorithm for the online bin coloring problem that outperforms existing ones in our analyses and simulations.
The task of an elevator control is to schedule the elevators of a group such
that small waiting and travel times for the passengers are obtained. We present an exact
reoptimization algorithm for this problem. A reoptimization algorithm computes a
new schedule for the elevator group each time a new passenger arrives. Our algorithm
uses column generation techniques and is, to the best of our knowledge, the first exact
reoptimization algorithms for a group of passenger elevators. To solve the column
generation problem, we propose a Branch & Bound method.