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Software Management Plan developed in HPO-Navi

  • This publication comprises the Software Management Plan (SMP) developed in the HPO-Navi project. The project was funded in the Literature and Information System (LIS) track of the DFG with the aim of increasing the maturity level of scientific software under development, developing improved measures for the quality assurance of this software and for long-term availability. The Ubiquity Generator Framework (UG) software developed in the project provides a software infrastructure to make existing sequential implementations HPC-capable. The UG framework is of interest to developers of specialized optimization algorithms and can be used directly to solve specific problem classes in the field of scientific computing. Due to the naturally high software technology hurdles on HPC systems, UG was initially a highly specialized tool and could only be used to a limited extent without the involvement of the main developer. The central challenge of the project was to create a mechanism for the sustainable development and permanent provision and archiving of the research software. The aim was for UG to achieve the status of a "software product" with implementation of the following project content: - Documentation of the software: a description of the API and the simple connection of further basic solvers, installation instructions for various target platforms and a description of the structure and documentation of the source code as a basis for the distributed sustainable development of UG. - Development of missing user functions of UG: increased platform independence for shared memory parallelization and better logging function for the analysis and verification of results. - Development of a sample data management plan for future research projects that want to use UG and document their research results according to DFG standards for good scientific practice. - Quality assurance: by defining code guidelines, uniform concepts and criteria for the qualitative evaluation of new functions and implementing standards for code review and processes for continuous integration. A complementary goal was to improve the provision, accessibility and long-term reusability of the research software. - Use of an open Git server as a distributed development platform, provision of a download server for releases and sustainable storage of the software code and the associated meta-information. - Improved presentation and visibility through publication in publicly accessible repositories. This includes the prototypical extension of the OPUS 4 repository software widely used in Germany as a means of publishing software with a landing page that can be resolved via a DOI, and improved linking and presentation of UG in swMATH. - Digital long-term archiving: experimental inclusion of software code in an OAIS-compliant digital archiving system and evaluation of the approach in the areas of digital archiving and research data management.

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Author:Tim HaslerORCiD, Wolfgang Peters-KottigORCiD, Franziska SchlösserORCiD
Document Type:Other
Year of first publication:2023
Licence (German):License LogoCreative Commons - CC BY - Namensnennung 4.0 International
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