時間集約によるエネルギー供給システムの 近似最適設計解の導出および評価 (階層的最適化を援用した設計解の評価)
Derivation and Evaluation of Approximate Optimal Design Solutions of Energy Supply Systems by Time Aggregation (Evaluation of Design Solutions Using Hierarchical Optimization)
in press
- For the purpose of attaining the highest performance of energy supply systems, it is important to design the systems optimally in consideration of their operational strategies for seasonal and hourly variations in energy demands. An ap- proach to solve such an optimal design problem with a large number of periods efficiently is to derive an approximate optimal design solution by aggregating periods with a clustering method. However, such an approach does not provide any information on the accuracy for the optimal value of the objective function. The purpose of this paper is to provide a time aggregation method for deriving aprroximate optimal design solutions and evaluting their values of the objective function. Especially, a method of evaluating design solutions is presented here using both methods of evaluating the robustness under uncertain energy demands and solving optimal design problems by a hierarchical approach. A case study is conducted for a cogeneration system with a practical configuration, and it turns out that the proposed approach enables one to evaluate effective lower bounds for the optimal value of the objective function as compared with those obtained by a conventional approach.
Author: | Ryohei Yokoyama, Yuji Shinano, Tetsuya Wakui |
Document Type: | Article |
Parent Title (Japanese): | エネルギー・資源学会第38回エネルギーシステム・経済・環境コンファレンス講演論文集 |
First Page: | 468 |
Last Page: | 473 |
Year of first publication: | 2022 |