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An Early Scalability Study of Omni-Path Express

  • This work provides a brief description of Omni-Path Express and the current status of its development, stability, and performance. Basic benchmarks that highlight the gains of OPX over PSM2 are provided, and the results of an initial performance and scalability study of several applications are presented.

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Author:Glenn Brook, Douglas Fuller, John Swinburne, Steffen ChristgauORCiDGND, Matthias LäuterORCiD, Ronaldo Rodrigues PeláORCiD, Stein LewinORCiD, Tuma ChristianORCiD, Thomas SteinkeORCiD
Document Type:In Proceedings
Series:ISC High Performance
Place of publication:Hamburg
Creating Corporation:ISC 2022 IXPUG
Publishing Institution:Zuse Institute Berlin (ZIB)
Date of first Publication:2022/06/02
Page Number:8
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