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Hybrid Models and Simulations of Reaction-Diffusion Processes

  • In this thesis,we are interested in multiscale models for particle-based reaction diffusion (PBRD) simulations,where we focus on coupling particle-based simulations to macroscopic chemical reservoirs. These reservoirs are given by a mean concentration of chemical species that can vary in time and space. We model these reservoirs as reaction-diffusion partial differential equations (PDEs). The goal of this work is to achieve a mathematically consistent coupling between the PBRD simulations and the reaction-diffusion PDEs.

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Author:Margarita Kostré
Document Type:Master's Thesis
Granting Institution:Freie Universität Berlin
Advisor:Frank Noe
Date of final exam:2019/08/05
Publishing Institution:Zuse Institute Berlin (ZIB)
Year of first publication:2019
Page Number:77
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