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Handbook of Optimization in the Railway Industry

  • This book promotes the use of mathematical optimization and operations research methods in rail transportation. The editors assembled thirteen contributions from leading scholars to present a unified voice, standardize terminology, and assess the state-of-the-art. There are three main clusters of articles, corresponding to the classical stages of the planning process: strategic, tactical, and operational. These three clusters are further subdivided into five parts which correspond to the main phases of the railway network planning process: network assessment, capacity planning, timetabling, resource planning, and operational planning. Individual chapters cover: Simulation Capacity Assessment Network Design Train Routing Robust Timetabling Event Scheduling Track Allocation Blocking Shunting Rolling Stock Crew Scheduling Dispatching Delay Propagation

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Author:Erwin Abbink, Andreas Bärmann, Nikola Bešinovic, Markus Bohlin, Valentina Cacchiani, Gabrio Caimi, Stefano de Fabris, Twan Dollevoet, Frank Fischer, Armin Fügenschuh, Laura Galli, Rob M.P. Goverde, Ronny Hansmann, Henning Homfeld, Dennis Huisman, Marc Johann, Torsten Klug, Johanna Törnquist Krasemann, Leo Kroon, Leonardo Lamorgese, Frauke Liers, Carlo Mannino, Giorgio Medeossi, Dario Pacciarelli, Markus Reuther, Thomas Schlechte, Marie Schmidt, Anita Schöbel, Hanno Schülldorf, Anke Stieber, Sebastian Stiller, Paolo Toth, Uwe Zimmermann
Editor:Ralf Borndörfer, Torsten Klug, Leonardo Lamorgese, Carlo Mannino, Markus Reuther, Thomas Schlechte
Document Type:Book
Series:International Series in Operations Research and Management Science
Publisher:Springer Verlag
Year of first publication:2018
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