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Distributed Visualization with OpenGL Vizserver: Practical Experiences

Please always quote using this URN: urn:nbn:de:0297-zib-5992
  • The increasing demand for distributed solutions in computing technology does not stop when it comes to visualization techniques. However, the capabilities of todays applications to perform remote rendering are limited by historical design legacys. Especially the popular X11 protokoll, which has been proven to be extremely flexible and usefull for remote 2D graphics applications, breaks down for the case of remote 3D rendering. In this white paper, we give a short overview of generic remote rendering technologies available today, and compare their performance to the recently released vizserver by SGI: a network extension to the SGI OpenGL rendering engines.

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Author:Hans-Christian HegeORCiDGND, Andre Merzky, Stefan ZachowORCiD
Document Type:ZIB-Report
Tag:high performance computing; remote visualization
Date of first Publication:2000/09/15
Series (Serial Number):ZIB-Report (00-31)
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