cff-version: 1.2.0 title: 'UG - Ubiquity Generator Framework' message: "If you use UG in your research, please cite it using these metadata." type: software authors: - given-names: Yuji family-names: Shinano email: affiliation: Zuse Institute Berlin orcid: '' identifiers: - type: doi value: 10.12752/8508 url: '' abstract: "UG is a generic framework to parallelize branch-and-bound based solvers (e.g., MIP, MINLP, ExactIP) in a distributed or shared memory computing environment. It exploits powerful performance of state-of-the-art base solvers, such as SCIP, CPLEX, etc. without the need for base solver parallelization" keywords: - parallelization framework - branch-and-bound parallelization - integer optimization version: 0.9.1 date-released: '2021-01-01'