@misc{Wolf, author = {Wolf, Thomas}, title = {A Study of Genetic Algorithms solving a combinatorial Puzzle}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:0297-zib-3445}, number = {SC-98-01}, abstract = {The suitability of Genetic Algorithms (GAs) to solve a combinatorial problem with only one solution is investigated. The dependence of the performance is studied for GA-hard and GA-soft fitness functions, both with a range of different parameter values and different encodings.}, language = {en} } @misc{BorndoerferBuwayaSagnoletal., author = {Bornd{\"o}rfer, Ralf and Buwaya, Julia and Sagnol, Guillaume and Swarat, Elmar}, title = {Network Spot Checking Games: Theory and Application to Toll Enforcing in Transportation Networks}, issn = {1438-0064}, doi = {10.1002/net.21596}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:0297-zib-47139}, abstract = {We introduce the class of spot-checking games (SC games). These games model problems where the goal is to distribute fare inspectors over a toll network. In an SC game, the pure strategies of network users correspond to paths in a graph, and the pure strategies of the inspectors are subset of edges to be controlled. Although SC games are not zero-sum, we show that a Nash equilibrium can be computed by linear programming. The computation of a strong Stackelberg equilibrium is more relevant for this problem, but we show that this is NP-hard. However, we give some bounds on the \emph{price of spite}, which measures how the payoff of the inspector degrades when committing to a Nash equilibrium. Finally, we demonstrate the quality of these bounds for a real-world application, namely the enforcement of a truck toll on German motorways.}, language = {en} } @misc{HillerSaitenmacherWalther, author = {Hiller, Benjamin and Saitenmacher, Ren{\´e} and Walther, Tom}, title = {Analysis of operating modes of complex compressor stations}, issn = {1438-0064}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:0297-zib-61092}, abstract = {We consider the modeling of operation modes for complex compressor stations (i.e., ones with several in- or outlets) in gas networks. In particular, we propose a refined model that allows to precompute tighter relaxations for each operation mode. These relaxations may be used to strengthen the compressor station submodels in gas network optimization problems. We provide a procedure to obtain the refined model from the input data for the original model.}, language = {en} } @misc{RehfeldtKoch, author = {Rehfeldt, Daniel and Koch, Thorsten}, title = {Transformations for the Prize-Collecting Steiner Tree Problem and the Maximum-Weight Connected Subgraph Problem to SAP}, issn = {1438-0064}, doi = {10.4208/jcm.1709-m2017-0002}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:0297-zib-59777}, abstract = {Transformations of Steiner tree problem variants have been frequently discussed in the literature. Besides allowing to easily transfer complexity results, they constitute a central pillar of exact state-of-the-art solvers for well-known variants such as the Steiner tree problem in graphs. In this paper transformations for both the prize-collecting Steiner tree problem and the maximum-weight connected subgraph problem to the Steiner arborescence problem are introduced for the first time. Furthermore, we demonstrate the considerable implications for practical solving approaches, including the computation of strong upper and lower bounds.}, language = {en} } @misc{SagnolHarman, author = {Sagnol, Guillaume and Harman, Radoslav}, title = {Computing exact D-optimal designs by mixed integer second order cone programming}, issn = {1438-0064}, doi = {10.1214/15-AOS1339}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:0297-zib-41932}, abstract = {Let the design of an experiment be represented by an \$s\$-dimensional vector \$\vec{w}\$ of weights with non-negative components. Let the quality of \$\vec{w}\$ for the estimation of the parameters of the statistical model be measured by the criterion of \$D\$-optimality defined as the \$m\$-th root of the determinant of the information matrix \$M(\vec{w})=\sum_{i=1}^s w_iA_iA_i^T\$, where \$A_i\$, \$i=1,...,s\$, are known matrices with \$m\$ rows. In the paper, we show that the criterion of \$D\$-optimality is second-order cone representable. As a result, the method of second order cone programming can be used to compute an approximate \$D\$-optimal design with any system of linear constraints on the vector of weights. More importantly, the proposed characterization allows us to compute an \emph{exact} \$D\$-optimal design, which is possible thanks to high-quality branch-and-cut solvers specialized to solve mixed integer second order cone problems. We prove that some other widely used criteria are also second order cone representable, for instance the criteria of \$A\$-, and \$G\$-optimality, as well as the criteria of \$D_K\$- and \$A_K\$-optimality, which are extensions of \$D\$-, and \$A\$-optimality used in the case when only a specific system of linear combinations of parameters is of interest. We present several numerical examples demonstrating the efficiency and universality of the proposed method. We show that in many cases the mixed integer second order cone programming approach allows us to find a provably optimal exact design, while the standard heuristics systematically miss the optimum.}, language = {en} } @misc{SagnolBorndoerferSchlechteetal., author = {Sagnol, Guillaume and Bornd{\"o}rfer, Ralf and Schlechte, Thomas and Swarat, Elmar}, title = {The Price of Spite in Spot-checking games}, issn = {1438-0064}, doi = {10.1007/978-3-662-44803-8}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:0297-zib-52775}, abstract = {We introduce the class of spot-checking games (SC games). These games model problems where the goal is to distribute fare inspectors over a toll network. Although SC games are not zero-sum, we show that a Nash equilibrium can be computed by linear programming. The computation of a strong Stackelberg equilibrium is more relevant for this problem, but we show that this is NP-hard. However, we give some bounds on the \emph{price of spite}, which measures how the payoff of the inspector degrades when committing to a Nash equilibrium. Finally, we demonstrate the quality of these bounds for a real-world application, namely the enforcement of a truck toll on German motorways.}, language = {en} } @phdthesis{Humpola2014, author = {Humpola, Jesco}, title = {Gas Network Optimization by MINLP}, school = {Technische Universit{\"a}t Berlin}, year = {2014}, abstract = {One quarter of Europe's energy demand is provided by natural gas distributed through a vast pipeline network covering the whole of Europe. At a cost of 1 million Euros per kilometer the extension of the European pipeline network is already a multi billion Euro business. The challenging question is how to expand and operate the network in order to facilitate the transportation of specified gas quantities at minimum cost. This task can be formulated as a mathematical optimization problem that reflects to real-world instances of enormous size and complexity. The aim of this thesis is the development of novel theory and optimization algorithms which make it possible to solve these problems. Gas network topology optimization problems can be modeled as nonlinear mixed-integer programs (MINLPs). Such an MINLP gives rise to a so-called active transmission problem (ATP), a continuous nonlinear non-convex feasibility problem which emerges from the MINLP model by fixing all integral variables. The key to solving the ATP as well as the overall gas network topology optimization problem and the main contribution of this thesis is a novel domain relaxation of the variable bounds and constraints in combination with a penalization in the objective function. In case the domain relaxation does not yield a primal feasible solution for the ATP we offer novel sufficient conditions for proving the infeasibility of the ATP. These conditions can be expressed in the form of an MILP, i.e., the infeasibility of a non-convex NLP can be certified by solving an MILP. These results provide an efficient bounding procedure in a branch-and-bound algorithm. If the gas network consists only of pipes and valves, the ATP turns into a passive transmission problem (PTP). Although its constraints are non-convex, its domain relaxation can be proven to be convex. Consequently, the feasibility of the PTP can be checked directly in an efficient way. Another advantage of the passive case is that the solution of the domain relaxation gives rise to a cutting plane for the overall topology optimization problem that expresses the infeasibility of the PTP. This cut is obtained by a Benders argument from the Lagrange function of the domain relaxation augmented by a specially tailored pc-regularization. These cuts provide tight lower bounds for the passive gas network topology optimization problem. The domain relaxation does not only provide certificates of infeasibility and cutting planes, it can also be used to construct feasible primal solutions. We make use of parametric sensitivity analysis in order to identify binary variables to be switched based on dual information. This approach allows for the first time to compute directly MINLP solutions for large-scale gas network topology optimization problems. All the research in this thesis has been realized within the collaborative research project "Forschungskooperation Netzoptimierung (ForNe)". The developed software is in use by the cooperation partner Open Grid Europe GmbH. Parts of this thesis have been published in book chapters, journal articles and technical reports. An overview of the topics and solution approaches within the research project is given by Martin et al. (2011) and F{\"u}genschuh et al. (2013). Gas network operation approaches and solution methods are described in detail by Pfetsch et al. (2014) and with a special focus on topology optimization in F{\"u}genschuh et al. (2011). The primal heuristic presented in this thesis is published by Humpola et al. (2014b). The method for pruning nodes of the branch-and-bound tree for an approximation of the original problem is described in F{\"u}genschuh and Humpola (2013) and Humpola et al. (2014a). The Benders like inequality is introduced by Humpola and F{\"u}genschuh (2013).}, language = {en} } @phdthesis{Beckenbach2019, author = {Beckenbach, Isabel}, title = {Matchings and Flows in Hypergraphs}, year = {2019}, abstract = {In this dissertation, we study matchings and flows in hypergraphs using combinatorial methods. These two problems are among the best studied in the field of combinatorial optimization. As hypergraphs are a very general concept, not many results on graphs can be generalized to arbitrary hypergraphs. Therefore, we consider special classes of hypergraphs, which admit more structure, to transfer results from graph theory to hypergraph theory. In Chapter 2, we investigate the perfect matching problem on different classes of hypergraphs generalizing bipartite graphs. First, we give a polynomial time approximation algorithm for the maximum weight matching problem on so-called partitioned hypergraphs, whose approximation factor is best possible up to a constant. Afterwards, we look at the theorems of K{\"o}nig and Hall and their relation. Our main result is a condition for the existence of perfect matchings in normal hypergraphs that generalizes Hall's condition for bipartite graphs. In Chapter 3, we consider perfect f-matchings, f-factors, and (g,f)-matchings. We prove conditions for the existence of (g,f)-matchings in unimodular hypergraphs, perfect f-matchings in uniform Mengerian hypergraphs, and f-factors in uniform balanced hypergraphs. In addition, we give an overview about the complexity of the (g,f)-matching problem on different classes of hypergraphs generalizing bipartite graphs. In Chapter 4, we study the structure of hypergraphs that admit a perfect matching. We show that these hypergraphs can be decomposed along special cuts. For graphs it is known that the resulting decomposition is unique, which does not hold for hypergraphs in general. However, we prove the uniqueness of this decomposition (up to parallel hyperedges) for uniform hypergraphs. In Chapter 5, we investigate flows on directed hypergraphs, where we focus on graph-based directed hypergraphs, which means that every hyperarc is the union of a set of pairwise disjoint ordinary arcs. We define a residual network, which can be used to decide whether a given flow is optimal or not. Our main result in this chapter is an algorithm that computes a minimum cost flow on a graph-based directed hypergraph. This algorithm is a generalization of the network simplex algorithm.}, language = {en} } @misc{BorndoerferElijazyferSchwartz, author = {Bornd{\"o}rfer, Ralf and Elijazyfer, Ziena and Schwartz, Stephan}, title = {Approximating Balanced Graph Partitions}, issn = {1438-0064}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:0297-zib-73675}, abstract = {We consider the problem of partitioning a weighted graph into k connected components of similar weight. In particular, we consider the two classical objectives to maximize the lightest part or to minimize the heaviest part. For a partitioning of the vertex set and for both objectives, we give the first known approximation results on general graphs. Specifically, we give a \$\Delta\$-approximation where \$\Delta\$ is the maximum degree of an arbitrary spanning tree of the given graph. Concerning the edge partition case, we even obtain a 2-approximation for the min-max and the max-min problem, by using the claw-freeness of line graphs.}, language = {en} } @misc{EiflerGleixnerPulaj, author = {Eifler, Leon and Gleixner, Ambros and Pulaj, Jonad}, title = {Chv{\´a}tal's Conjecture Holds for Ground Sets of Seven Elements}, issn = {1438-0064}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:0297-zib-70240}, abstract = {We establish a general computational framework for Chv{\´a}tal's conjecture based on exact rational integer programming. As a result we prove Chv{\´a}tal's conjecture holds for all downsets whose union of sets contains seven elements or less. The computational proof relies on an exact branch-and-bound certificate that allows for elementary verification and is independent of the integer programming solver used.}, language = {en} }