@misc{GroetschelRoggenbuckSperberetal., author = {Gr{\"o}tschel, Martin and Roggenbuck, Robert and Sperber, Wolfram and Dalitz, Wolfgang}, title = {Weiterentwicklung und Ausbau des Internet-Informationsdienstes "Math\&Industry"}, organization = {ZIB}, issn = {1438-0064}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:0297-zib-10584}, number = {08-06}, abstract = {Mit dem Informationsdienst Math\&Industry soll ein Prototyp eines dezentralen Informationssystems f{\"u}r F{\"o}rderprogramme und Forschungsprojekte geschaffen werden, das sich auf andere Programme (bez{\"u}glich angewandter Mathematik, aber auch dar{\"u}ber hinaus) {\"u}bertragen l{\"a}sst. Das betrifft sowohl die Konzeption (Strukturierung der Informationen) als auch die Werkzeuge, die anderen BMBF-F{\"o}rderprogrammen zur Verf{\"u}gung gestellt werden k{\"o}nnen. Damit sollen diese in die Lage versetzt werden, die in Math\&Industry entwickelten Konzepte und Werkzeuge an ihre spezifischen Bed{\"u}rfnisse anzupassen.}, language = {de} } @misc{DalitzGroetschelLueggeretal., author = {Dalitz, Wolfgang and Gr{\"o}tschel, Martin and L{\"u}gger, Joachim and Sperber, Wolfram}, title = {Verteiltes Informationssystem f{\"u}r die Mathematik}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:0297-zib-5218}, number = {TR-95-06}, abstract = {``Das System ist zerbrochen!'', so lautet das Urteil von Keith Dennis, Professor an der Cornell University und neuer Verantwortlicher f{\"u}r die Mathematical Reviews, {\"u}ber das traditionelle Publikationswesen in der Mathematik. Was sind die Ursachen? Haupts{\"a}chlich sind es das starke Wachstum der mathematischen Literatur, die langen Verz{\"o}gerungen von der Erstellung bis zum Erscheinen einer Arbeit, die hohen Ablehnungsraten bei mathematischen Journalen aufgrund beschr{\"a}nkter Seitenzahlen (und nicht wegen mangelnder Qualit{\"a}t) sowie drastisch steigende Preise f{\"u}r Zeitschriften und B{\"u}cher bei gleichzeitiger Reduktion der Bibliotheksetats.}, language = {de} } @article{DalitzGroetschelLueggeretal.1995, author = {Dalitz, Wolfgang and Gr{\"o}tschel, Martin and L{\"u}gger, Joachim and Sperber, Wolfram}, title = {Verteiltes Informationssystem f{\"u}r die Mathematik}, series = {Mitteilungen der Deutschen Mathematiker-Vereinigung}, volume = {1}, journal = {Mitteilungen der Deutschen Mathematiker-Vereinigung}, pages = {52 -- 54}, year = {1995}, language = {en} } @article{DalitzSperberChrapary, author = {Dalitz, Wolfgang and Sperber, Wolfram and Chrapary, Hagen}, title = {swMATH: A Publication-based Approach to Mathematical Software}, series = {SIAM Newsletter}, volume = {Volume 53}, journal = {SIAM Newsletter}, number = {Number 06 | July/August 2020}, doi = {10.12752/8009}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:0297-zib-80099}, abstract = {The growing importance of mathematical software in everyday life—in applications such as internet communication, traffic, and artificial intelligence—necessitates advances in software documentation services to raise awareness of existing packages and their usage. Such information helps potential software developers and users make informed choices about packages that could advance their work in modeling, simulation, and analysis. At the same time, software presents novel challenges to information services that require the development of new methods and means of processing. swMATH provides users with an overview of a broad range of mathematical software and extends documentation services for publications related to such software. It acts as a counterpart to the established abstracting and reviewing services for mathematical publications and has nearly 30,000 entries, making it one of the most comprehensive documentation services in mathematics.}, language = {en} } @article{ChraparyDalitzSperber, author = {Chrapary, Hagen and Dalitz, Wolfgang and Sperber, Wolfram}, title = {swMATH - Challenges, Next Steps, and Outlook}, series = {CICM-WS-WIP 2016, Workshop and Work in Progress Papers at CICM 2016}, volume = {Vol-1785}, journal = {CICM-WS-WIP 2016, Workshop and Work in Progress Papers at CICM 2016}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:0074-1785-8}, pages = {107 -- 116}, abstract = {swMATH is currently one of the most comprehensive specialized information services and search engines for Mathematical SoftWare (MSW). It was the intention of the project to support the user community by providing infor- mation about MSW and searching relevant MSW. Currently swMATH lists infor- mation of more than 13,000 items and 120,000 publications which refer to MSW. Maintaining and updating of the service is mainly done automatically, the num- ber of requests is permanently increasing. This sounds like a perfect solution. But swMATH is only a first step to a powerful information system on mathematical research data. This talk addresses some open problems for the further develop- ment of the swMATH service. It is shown that some problems for swMATH lead to central questions for the information management of mathematical research data, especially for MSW. This contains an extended content analysis of MSW, versioning and citation standard of MSW, a typing of the swMATH resources and the presentation of context information and high-quality control within the swMATH service.}, language = {en} } @inproceedings{DalitzChraparySperber, author = {Dalitz, Wolfgang and Chrapary, Hagen and Sperber, Wolfram}, title = {Software Knowledge Management and swMATH}, series = {Fachgruppe Didaktik der Mathematik der Universit{\"a}t Paderborn}, booktitle = {Fachgruppe Didaktik der Mathematik der Universit{\"a}t Paderborn}, doi = {10.17877/DE290R-19281}, pages = {401 -- 404}, abstract = {Mathematische Software ist heute ein weitverbreitetes Werkzeug in der Forschung, aber auch in der mathematischen Bildung. Die Anzahl mathematischer Softwareprodukte w{\"a}chst, nicht zuletzt durch die Anforderungen der Anwender, stark. Anders als f{\"u}r mathematische Publikationen sind f{\"u}r das Management mathematischer Software viele Fragen offen und werden noch diskutiert, etwa die Standardisierung von Software Zitationen. Der Aufbau einer effizienten Infrastruktur f{\"u}r Software ist eine notwendige Voraussetzung f{\"u}r die {\"U}berpr{\"u}fung von Forschungsergebnissen, die mittels Software erzielt worden sind und wichtig f{\"u}r die Entscheidung, ob eine bestimmte Software zur L{\"o}sung eines Problems verwendet werden soll. Das swMATH [1] Portal gibt einen weitgehend vollst{\"a}ndigen {\"U}berblick {\"u}ber die existierende mathematische Software. Es ist ein Dienst entstanden, der automatisiert die im Web vorhandenen Informationen zu einer Software identifiziert, auswertet und verf{\"u}gbar macht. Der Dienst soll insbesondere durch die Verkn{\"u}pfung mit anderen Quellen, etwa dem Internet Archive, persistente Informationen {\"u}ber ein Software Produkt und dessen Versionen liefern.}, language = {en} } @misc{DalitzNeunSperber, author = {Dalitz, Wolfgang and Neun, Winfried and Sperber, Wolfram}, title = {Semantic Annotation in Mathematics and Math-Net}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:0297-zib-7379}, number = {03-15}, abstract = {The Web of the future will provide a huge amount of information. We need better ways for dealing with and managing the information. A qualified semantic annotation of the information plays a key role for the Web of the future. This article gives an overview about the efforts of the mathematical community to build up a distributed and open information and communication system for mathematics: the Math-Net. The Math-Net Initiative has developed metadata schemas for some classes of Web resources which are relevant in mathematics. Math-Net Services process this information and enable the user to efficiently search and access the information.}, language = {en} } @misc{SperberDalitz, author = {Sperber, Wolfram and Dalitz, Wolfgang}, title = {Portale, Search Engines und Math-Net}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:0297-zib-5923}, number = {00-24}, abstract = {Wie sucht ein Wissenschaftler im Internet die ben"otigten Informationen f{\"u}r seine Arbeit? Welche relevanten Informationen gibt es {\"u}berhaupt im Web? Sind daf{\"u}r solche Suchmaschinen wie AltaVista, Google oder HotBot die richtigen Werkzeuge? Die Antwort der Mathematiker heisst Math-Net, ein Informations- und Kommunikationssystem f{\"u}r die Mathematik. Math-Net besteht zun{\"a}chst aus den Informationen von Personen und Institutionen, die ihre f{\"u}r die Mathematik relevanten Informationen dort bereitstellen wollen. Das soll i.a. auf den Web-Servern der Personen oder Institutionen geschehen. Hierin unterscheidet sich die Situation im Math-Net nicht von der im WWW insgesamt. Im Math-Net sollen aber die Informationen in einheitlicher Weise erschlossen werden. Dazu gibt es sowohl f{\"u}r Server als auch f{\"u}r die Dokumente Empfehlungen f{\"u}r deren Strukturierung. Die lokalen Informationen werden dann im Math-Net durch automatische Verfahren gesammelt, ausgewertet und indexiert. Diese Indexe sind die Basis f{\"u}r die Math-Net Dienste. Das sind Search Engines und Portale, die einen qualifizierten und effizienten Zugang zu den Informationen im Math-Net bieten. Die Math-Net Dienste sind auf die Mathematik spezialisiert. Im Gegensatz zu den oben erw{\"a}hnten universellen Suchmaschinen decken sie nur einen winzigen Bruchteil des Web ab, aber daf{\"u}r den f{\"u}r die Mathematik relevanten Teil. Math-Net ist mehr als nur Search Engine oder Portal zu Informationen in der Mathematik. Es ist auch ein Informations- und Kommunikationssystem sowie ein Publikationsmedium f{\"u}r die Mathematik. Die mathematische Community hat sich in der Math-Net Initiative organisiert. Diese Initiative wird von der International Mathematical Union (IMU), der weltweiten Dachorganisation der mathematischen Gesellschaften, koordiniert. Die Entwicklung des Math-Net wird von dem breiten Konsens der Mathematiker getragen, den Zugang zu der f{\"u}r die Mathematik relevanten Information zu erleichtern und zu verbessern.}, language = {de} } @misc{DalitzGroetschelLueggeretal., author = {Dalitz, Wolfgang and Gr{\"o}tschel, Martin and L{\"u}gger, Joachim and Sperber, Wolfram}, title = {New Perspectives of a Distributed Information System for Mathematics.}, url = {http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:0297-zib-5139}, number = {TR-94-08}, abstract = {\begin{footnotesize} \noindent Combining electronic specialized information, such as electronic information retrieval from central databases, with the new means of communication opens up new perspectives for mathematics in Germany. Based on the current Fachinformationsprojekt (Specialized Information Project) run by the Deutsche Mathematiker-Vereinigung (DMV) and supported by the Federal Minister for Research and Technology (BMFT), the DMV is planning a new infrastructure activity for mathematics. This activity will not only include mathematical university departments and research institutes, but also partners from mathematical research laboratories in industry as well as suppliers of mathematical information, in particular, scientific publishing houses, the Technical Information Library (TIB) Hannover, university libraries and -- last but not least -- the Fachinformationszentrum (FIZ) Karlsruhe with the Zentralblatt f{\"u}r Mathematik. \noindent On the technical basis of the Internet and its worldwide information services (Gopher, WAIS, World Wide Web, Hyper-G, ftp and e-mail), a distributed mathematical information system is to be created, whose partners make their local resources available both to other partners and to the worldwide Internet community. These aims can be achieved by means of the consequent use of software that is structured according to the client-server model and distributed and accepted within the Internet. \noindent Providing the technical equipment, however, is by far not enough. Without the creation of a personal, technical and organizational infrastructure, realization of such a project will not be possible. For every partner the realization of the following measures is envisaged:\\[-7mm] \noindent \end{footnotesize} \begin{small} \begin{itemize} \item[*] Establishing an Information Coordinator\/ at every participating institution\\[-8mm] \item[*] Creation of a Forum for Mathematical Information\/\\[-8mm] \item[*] Installation and maintenance of Mathematical Information Stations\/\\[-8mm] \item[*] Participation in national and international Standardization Activities\/\\[-8mm] \item[*] Regular workshops and training courses, public relations\\[-7mm] \end{itemize} \noindent The following activities (carried out by all partners or within pilot projects by special groups) focusing on mathematical and mathematics-related information are planned:\\[-7mm] \noindent \begin{itemize} \item[*] Set up of Electronic Information Systems\/ by all partners \\[-8mm] \item[*] Distributed\/ electronic offer of Preprints\/ and scripts (full texts) by all partners\\[-8mm] \item[*] Distributed\/ electronic offer of Software and Data Collections\/ by all partners\\[-8mm] \item[*] Access to Global Information Systems in Mathematics\/\\[-8mm] \item[*] Organization of a Living Museum of Mathematics\/\\[-8mm] \item[*] Access to {\it Electronic Library Catalogs,}\/ esp.~to libraries of university departments\\[-8mm] \item[*] Electronic offer of Scanned Historical Books and Documents\/\\[-8mm] \item[*] Creation and management of Electronic Mathematical Journals\/\\[-8mm] \item[*] Creation of a framework for various kinds of Electronic Reviewing\/\\[-8mm] \item[*] Testing of new methods for Electronic Document Delivery\/\\[-8mm] \item[*] Electronic Project Organization\/\\[-7mm] \end{itemize} \noindent \end{small} \begin{footnotesize} The project aims, at its beginning, at the creation of an information infrastructure for database retrieval, e-mail, electronic conferencing and subject-specific information networks. Its focus is on mathematics in Germany. The general scope, however, is broader. The project is open for discussion, coordination, and cooperation with partners in other areas of science, industry or in other countries. It is also hoped that this project may form an example along which other models of electronic information and communication can be developed. Moreover, the project is also meant to enhance the offer from German mathematics to the worldwide "give and take" within the Internet community. \end{footnotesize}}, language = {en} } @article{DalitzGroetschelLueggeretal.1994, author = {Dalitz, Wolfgang and Gr{\"o}tschel, Martin and L{\"u}gger, Joachim and Sperber, Wolfram}, title = {New Perspectives of a Distributed Electronic Information System for Mathematics, Part II}, series = {European Mathematical Society Newsletter}, volume = {14}, journal = {European Mathematical Society Newsletter}, pages = {6 -- 14}, year = {1994}, language = {en} }